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You’re invited to a star-studded fundraising musicale featuring FIU faculty, students, alumni, and guest artists at The Wertheim Concert Hall beginning at 3pm!  All guests are invited to meet the artists at a wine and cheese reception following the performance at 4pm. This is a great opportunity to make a difference in the life of a music student and also enjoy a fabulous afternoon of music! You’ll hear music by Verdi, Gluck, Puccini, Mozart, and more!





How you can support our students

All proceeds from this event will provide scholarships for current music students at the Herbert and Nicole Wertheim School of Music & Performing Arts. Your support is vital to provide an affordable education for our students. Individual tickets are $28, which also includes the price of parking. Please spread the word and make a difference in the life of a student today!


For questions, please contact:

To call: Suzanne Floyd (305) 253-7255 or Carol Alexander (305) 233-7760

To email: Friends.CollegiateMusic@gmail.com


Presented by The Friends of Collegiate Music, Inc. (FOCM). The Friends of Collegiate Music, Inc. is a member supported non-profit 501 © 3 organization whose purpose is to raise student scholarship funds and create interest and support for local music colleges/universities. Donations are tax deductible as allowable by law.

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