
This past month the ArtCenter/South Florida announced its 2019 recipients of the Ellies Visual Arts Awards. Over 500 artists and educators submitted proposals to these competitive awards and forty-four winners were selected. Three of the forty-four recipients were faculty from Florida International University’s College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts.

Amongst the School of Architecture winners were Linda Chamorro, Coralina Rodriguez, and Marcelo Ertorteguy.

The Ellies Awards were created in honor of ArtCenter founder, Ellie Schneiderman. The art awards “recognize and elevate the careers of Miami’s visual artists” and range from $2,500 to $25,000 allowing recipients to produce of new work or provide travel grants for art educators.

This year the winners will share a grand total of $491,00 funded by a sale of one of ArtCenter’s buildings. Awards were judged by a jury of independent art experts in the Miami arts scene.

For more information on the Ellies and to see the rest of the 2019 Ellies Award Winners, click here.

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