The Flagler Museum’s internship program within the Public Affairs Department offers 10 to 15 hours/week of paid experience (up to 120 hours per semester) to a qualified undergraduate student studying marketing, advertising, public relations, visual communications, or a similar field. The Museum is currently seeking interns to coincide with the Summer 2022 semester(s).
The Public Affairs Intern may have opportunities to work on the following projects:
Public Relations, Marketing and Advertising Projects: Retail and Events – Interns interested in gaining experience in event and/or sales marketing may have opportunities to work with the Public Affairs Director to develop campaigns specific to the Museum’s seasonal programs and exhibitions, as well as drive sales in the Museum Store and Online Store. Campaigns may also support the Museum’s refreshment operations (PICNIC and the Café des Beaux-Arts).
Public Relations, Marketing, and Advertising Projects: Social Media Planning – Public Affairs Department interns will gain experience developing a social media content calendar and marketing strategy (including paid advertising) with the Public Affairs Director. The Flagler Museum’s social media platforms include Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Public Relations Projects: Collecting and Documenting Media Clippings – The Flagler Museum enjoys a wonderful amount of editorial coverage by local, national and international media. The Public Affairs Department tracks mentions of the Museum using Microsoft Excel and also digitizes clippings for our archives. Our interns will get experience tracking, collecting and digitizing clippings from magazines, newspapers, and online media.
Visual Communications Projects: Photography and Videography – PA Department interns may play a role in capturing, editing and organizing fresh visual content for social media, email newsletters, publications, and the Museum website using the department’s camera equipment and Adobe Creative Suite software. Subject matter for visual content includes general admission visitors, Museum programs and events, retail marketing campaigns, and architectural and historic collections.
Marketing: Data Analysis – To make informed decisions and to achieve sales and visitation goals, the Public Affairs Department captures and reviews data such as audience demographics, website analytics, and campaign ROIs. Interns may gain experience in creating and implementing surveys, identifying target audiences, and using tools such as Google Analytics and Microsoft Excel.
(Note: Projects will be assigned based on the student’s current skill sets and interests.)
Extra Credit! The Public Affairs Department contains an archive of Museum publications, marketing materials, media clippings and visual files (photos/videos). Interns at the Museum will get to learn about Florida history, Henry Flagler, his railroad and hotel empires, Whitehall, and the Museum’s story while supporting our projects. Plus, interns will practice basic office skills such as computer literacy, time management, organizing, reading, writing, critical thinking, and attention to detail.
Ideal candidates for this Internship will exhibit great attention to detail and a desire to learn, have effective communication skills, and be technologically savvy. Customer service or tourism industry experience is a plus, but not required. This internship may require occasional night or weekend shifts.
Qualified applicants should email a cover letter indicating semester (summer or fall), projects of interest, a resume, and portfolio of work to publicaffairsdirector@flaglermuseum.us.
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