For students seeking to begin their professional design studies as undergraduates, the Department of Architecture offers the Accelerated Masters programs which integrates pre-graduate coursework in a single curricular path.

Master of Architecture (M.Arch)

The Master of Architecture (M.Arch) is a professional degree accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB). This degree is available to students with or without pre-professional degrees in architecture.

Applicants who have recently graduated from high school begin with admission at the freshman year. These pre-graduate students are admitted into the foundational curriculum of the undergraduate M.Arch degree program. Pre-graduate students progress through the foundational design course work and general education studies (73 credit hours) and those students who successfully complete the pre-graduate foundation seamlessly matriculate into graduate coursework and receive the Master of Architecture degree at the conclusion of an 102 additional credit hours. No baccalaureate degree is awarded on this path. The course of study takes five or six years to complete, depending on the track that is selected.

  • Total Undergraduate Credits           73
  • Total Graduate Degree Credits      102
  • Total Credits to AccMLA                 175

A transition from undergraduate to graduate standing occurs at the end of the fourth year Spring semester after the completion of 120 credits. Students must be in good standing with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better. A Bachelor’s degree is not awarded at any point in the program.

Applicants who possess an AA degree in Architecture, may also apply for the Master of Architecture degree program. These students apply to the Undergraduate M.Arch 5 path and, if accepted, will transfer in at the third year and take 102 credit hours of graduate level course work. Then, they will receive the Master of Architecture degree. The course of study usually takes three to four years to complete, depending on the track that is selected.

For a complete list of requirements and courses, please visit the Department of Architecture’s Undergraduate Catalog.