
Circle F Dude Ranch Camp, a premier for-profit coed camp, is seeking vibrant, adventurous, and caring people to join our summer counselor team as we celebrate almost 70 years in continuous operation. Circle F team members are uniquely placed to make positive and life-changing impacts on young people each summer through a mission of Respect, Inspiration, Play, Positive Thinking, Leadership, and Engagement. At Circle F the cabin counselor is the primary caregiver for each camper. The counselors are responsible for the planning, teaching, coordinating, and carrying out activities and guiding campers in their personal growth and daily living skills throughout the summer.  

Circle F seeks Counselors that are:

At least 18 years of age and completed their first year of college.

That can understand the development needs of young people.

Have the ability to relate to youth and adults in a positive manner.

Can demonstrate knowledge and skill in program areas and designated camp activities.   


This summer Circle F Dude Ranch Camp is seeking staff for the following areas:

Waterfront: lifeguarding, WSI, sailing, swimming, canoeing

Extreme Sports: overnight camping, camp craft, paintball.

Climbing: Rock Wall, Zip Line, Alpine Tower, Giant Swing, Odyessy High Ropes Course. 

General Sports: soccer, softball, volleyball, basketball, archery, tennis, skate park, gymnastics

Creative and Performing Arts: videographer, photography, arts and crafts, theater, dance

And many other exciting opportunities. 

What Majors?

While anyone with a passion for working with children would be capable of being a great camp counselor there are some majors that are better suited. College students pursuing majors in Education, Communications, Child development, Sports management, Tourism, and Hospitality will find the experience they gain from working a summer at camp beneficial to their field of study.

Perks and Compensation

Dorm housing provided for the length of the contract no additional cost

All meals and snacks provided for the length of the contract no additional cost

Staff house with snacks, above ground pool, grill, internet, tv, and gaming systems.

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