
The Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication in the College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts (CARTA) is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year with a yearlong program, A Decade of Celebrating Women’s Voices—the voices of students, alumni, scholars, and professionals in our community and beyond who participated and continue to participate in webinars and workshops, leadership training activities, national networking opportunities, and mentorship programs.

The center began its programming in 2013. Its mission is to become the nation’s premier hub for the training and promotion of a diverse and inclusive cadre of the next generation of exceptional women leaders and visionaries who will join the workforce of the future and make a difference in their communities and in their professions.

The center also serves as a thought-leadership center for issues that impact women.  After a decade of programming, the Kopenhaver Center has earned a reputation for providing a wide range of educational offerings, creating opportunities to develop, refine and implement methods by which future generations of female communicators can excel. Our objective is to expand the number of women communicators of all races, ethnicities, and cultures who are ready to move into positions of responsibility and leadership both in our community and nationally. There are nearly 30,000 participants who have taken part in our programs. The center has the reach and the infrastructure to implement a broad variety of programming options in a variety of modalities for all types of participants.

Women make up half the population of our country yet hold only one-third of leadership positions in communication today. The center is training an army of women empowered by research, knowledge, innovation, and creativity, so that they may be better represented at the table during the decision-making process. The programs of the Kopenhaver Center are designed to empower and prepare women to rise to the challenges of both today and tomorrow and move into leadership positions that not only alter that equation but also guarantee equity for the future.

The Kopenhaver Center continually strives to engage in innovative programming and networking to ensure that there is parity for women and that women’s voices are heard both in South Florida and on a national level. We embrace technology to foster women’s entry into the digital world and the metaverse so they may meet today’s challenges, solve problems, and design new ideas for an innovative future. We are building diversity in leadership, resulting in new and exciting groups of managers and leaders who more accurately and equitably reflect the demographics of the nation and the world.

Signature programs include a national conference each fall, the Thought Leaders Forum for Women’s History Month in March, virtual workshops each month, a Leadership Boot Camp, a Women Faculty Moving Forward workshop each summer for women PhDs just beginning careers in the academy, as well as a broad range of other offerings.

Will you join with us and invest in our mission to empower women communicators today and tomorrow, and help us increase the number of women who are ready to become the communication leaders of the future?

The post A Decade Celebrating Women’s Voices appeared first on CARTA News.

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