On April 4, 2019 FIU College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts (CARTA) hosted the CARTA Faculty Awards during the Spring 2019 Faculty Assembly. The award ceremony was held at the Faculty Senate Chamber within the Wertheim Conservatory. The Faculty Awards serve to recognize and celebrate the excellent work of the CARTA faculty in teaching, research, and service. The awards include:
- 2 Teaching Awards for recognition of outstanding Teaching
- 1 Research/Creative Activity Award for recognition of outstanding research, creative work or scholarship
- 1 Service Award for recognition of outstanding service or community engagement
Five faculty members from Architecture, Journalism + Media, and Music were selected as award recipients by the awards committee. Congratulations to all!
Alfredo Andia | Architecture: Service Award for initiatives in South America linked to the design and construction of affordable and emergency housing, and for Co-Chairing the ACSA International Conference in Architecture, held in 2016 in Santiago de Chile, and hosted by the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile. The endeavor included creating the program, selecting prestigious keynote speakers, and contributing to the production and publication of peer-reviewed conference proceedings.
Susan Jacobson | Journalism + Media: Research Award for taking the lead in developing the Sea Level Rise Toolbox app, known as Eyes on the Rise, which has generated over 4 million hits since launch in 2014. She also led the Code for Miami civic technology group in developing the “Will it Flood” app for crowdsourcing information on local sea level rise. Susan published a chapter in the Routledge Companion to American Literary Journalism on the impact of virtual, augmented, and mixed reality on journalism. She has authored 10 articles and 6 book chapters on expressive qualities of digital media and public communication about health and science on social media. Her work has won awards and recognition from the Reynolds Journalism Institute, the CLEO Institute and others.
Vindhya Khare | School of Music: Service Award for initiating a successful Peer Mentorship Program for Vocal Studies. Vindhya organized and performed with SOM students for many events including performances for hurricane evacuees housed in Red Cross Shelters at FIU.
Neil Reisner | Journalism + Media: Service Award for coordinating week-long boot camps for journalists in 2006 and 2008, and hosting workshops on watchdog journalism and election coverage. Neil took Journalism students to report on the March for our Lives in Washington after Parkland shooting. He served on the Faculty Senate and Faculty Senate Steering Committee 2010-2018. As co-Chair of CARTA Faculty Assembly, he took lead in rewriting the CARTA Constitution upon the merger of CARTA and the former SJMC . He served as the Founding Bureau Chief for the School of Journalism’s South Florida Media Network.
Roberto Rovira | Landscape Architecture + Environmental and Urban Design: Research and Creative Work Award for his design work, which has achieved recognition from regional, national, and international organizations while spanning multiple scales, audiences, and media. This includes two Awards of Excellence from the Florida Chapter of the American Association of Landscape Architects. His Sky Lounge design for the courtyard of the DM building at FIU transformed the experience of the space, and his Ecological Atlas project depicts the annual cycles of the ecology of South Florida. Building upon that success, he recently completed two landscape projects: Rietveld Park in Oranjestad, Aruba and an Art Park around the Boca Museum of Art in partnership with Glavovic Studio. Rietveld Park received a 2018 Award of Merit from the Florida ASLA.
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