FIU Journalism Students shine bright at 25th Annual Sunshine State Awards

On July 20th, the Society of Professional Journalists (Florida Pro Chapter) hosted the 25th installment of their annual ‘Sunshine State Awards’, which was created in order to recognize outstanding professional and student journalists for that calendar year. Nominations and recipients were open to all professional print, broadcast, and online journalists in Florida, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The event was held at the C&I Studios in partnership with the National Association of Hispanic Journalists.

This year, journalism students from FIU School of Communication and Journalism, along with the South Florida News Service, truly were recognized immensely for their hard work during the 2018 calendar year, especially in the Student Spanish-language category. Here’s a list of all awardees:

Mejor trabajo estudiantil (todo tipo de medios) – Best Student Work (All types of media)
• 1st Place: Florida International University – Maria Fernanda Becerra, Nicaragua: Un conflicto que trasciende fronteras
• 2nd Place: South Florida News Service – Carolina Morales, Pequeña Haití: amenazada por la gentrificación climática
• 3rd Place: Florida International University – Laura Isabel Perez, Laura Isabel Perez

Best Website
• 2nd Place: South Florida News Service – Staff, online

Best News Story
• 1st Place: South Florida News Service – Jesse Scheckner, Maria Gil & Gabriel Poblete, FIU bridge near MMC campus collapses, killing and injuring several

Grethel Delgado Alvarez

Best Disaster Reporting
• 2nd Place: South Florida News Service – Jesse Scheckner, Maria Gil & Gabriel Poblete, FIU bridge near MMC campus collapses, killing and injuring several

In addition, Grethel Delgado Alvarez, a Master’s student placed second SPJ 2019 Florida College Scholarship Program, receiving a scholarship towards her upcoming Fall semester expenses. At age 28, Alvarez left her home country of Cuba in order to chase her passion and because of her love for freedom of the press. She was able to impress the judges with her story and determination, securing her the second place spot.

Well done Journalism students!

Featured Image – SPJ Florida

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