FIU Landscape Alumni and ASLA Florida hosted Sketchwalk in Miami Beach, FL

This past Saturday, October 6th the American Society of Landscape Architects Florida Chapter (ASLA Florida) and FIU alumni hosted Sketchwalk in Miami Beach, FL. The walk was organized by ASLA Miami Section Chair and FIU alumna, Daniela Romero.

Sketchwalk is a sponsored social event that ASLA FL holds in order to promote the idea of urban sketching. In addition, Sketchwalks provide a way to get local landscape architects, students, and other attendees to network and familiarize themselves with the urban realm that they reside in.

The walk began in Soundscape Park outside of the New World Symphony Center, where sketchers got to express themselves as they sketched West 8’s landscape. Afterwards, the group continued down Lincoln Road Pedestrian Mall sketching details of the public space and the hidden oasis’ along the mall. They ended their tour at landscape architecture firm, Raymond Jungles’ at 1111 Lincoln Road Plaza.

Professor David Rifkind was in attendance as a guest and provided attendees with insightful tips on sketching and perspectives. Anova Furnishings served as a sponsor of this particular Sketchwalk providing sketching materials and lunch.

For more information on upcoming ASLA Florida events, visit their calendar here.


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