[ad_2]“Gentrification in Liberty City” was a semester long digital media capstone project produced under the supervision of Dr. Moses Shumow in the Department of Journalism and Media. As one of the last affordable communities in Miami, the residents of Liberty City are feeling economic and social pressures as developers and investors begin buying up properties, driving up rents and increasing property taxes.Students spent the semester reporting on the history of racial segregation, marginalization, and disinvestment in the community; the legacy of redlining, the increasing lack of affordable housing, as well as potential solutions being proposed by grassroots organizations; environmental injustice and the large number of abandoned and unsafe structures in Liberty City; and the role of public art in promoting positive change. The multimedia reporting includes short documentaries, data visualization, animated infographics, and interactive GIS mapping.The final projects were premiered for the community at Charles Hadley Park on April 18, 2019. Over one hundred residents attended..
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