More Information & Resources

​The libraries are open.  Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Physical books can be requested for contactless pickup. Click here for details.
  • FIU students may reserve a seat or computer at the library for a two-hour block at At the reserved time, students will check in to the library with their Panther ID and confirmation email.
  • A limited number of laptops and hotspots are available for students. To make a request, students should fill out this form.
  • Need a library guide created for your course? View sample guides.
  • Ask Us @ FIU Libraries continues to be available seven days a week, including evening hours. Librarians are available all week on the FIU Libraries’ chat service to answer your questions immediately.  Click here to chat with a librarian.
  • Stay tuned to our Remote Services page for the latest library news.

Student Financial Aid Options: Students aid may include multiple sources of funding

  • FIU Aid:
    • FIUStrong: If you have been impacted by COVID-19 and need financial assistance
    • Student Emergency Aid through MyFIU
      • Select “Student Tools”
      • Select “Student E-Forms”
      • Select: “Office of Scholarships”
      • Select “Emergency Aid Request Form”
      • Complete the questionnaire.
      • The Emergency Aid Team –
  • Federal Aid:
    • CARES Act: FIU students whose lives and education have been affected by the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus pandemic are now able to apply for emergency cash grants. The emergency grants will be funded by the federal government through a $19 million Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act allocation FIU has received for student financial aid.
    • The aid will be awarded based on demonstrated need and will provide funds for students to use towards eligible expenses under a student’s cost of attendance, including food, housing, course materials, technology, health care and childcare. Students also must meet the following criteria:
  • Are currently enrolled in a degree program.
  • Have filed a 2019-2020 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). If you have not completed a FAFSA, you still have time.
  • Maintain satisfactory academic progress.
  • Do not owe a refund for any federal student aid and are not in default on federal student loans.
  • Are a U.S. citizen or other Title IV eligible noncitizen.

The application is now available at

Resources to help fund next semester’s tuition

  • Advising online: Please reach out to your advisors to schedule your appointments. To ensure that students are able to continue making academic progress, all fully online classes in Summer B, beginning on June 22, will continue as previously scheduled while Summer B face-to-face lecture classes and labs will be offered remotely.
  • Handshake : Career counseling appointments, job postings, resumes, interviews and more – log in to schedule your Zoom appointment with:
      • John Sotham
        Career Development Coordinator, School of Communication + Journalism
      • Ashley Rizzotto
        Career Specialist, Assistant Director for Fine Arts, Art History, Theater, & Music
  • Online Tutoring : via Zoom
  • Laptop Assistance
  • Barnes and Noble Bookstore – Barnes & Noble on-campus bookstores remain closed due to the COVID-19 restrictions, they are fully operational for online orders at Barnes & Noble is offering FREE shipping on all purchases within the United States. As always, e-books, digital materials, used and new textbooks for rent and sale are available. For book rentals, a FREE return shipping label will be included. Additionally, Barnes & Noble stores at FIU continue to offer school supplies and FIU merchandise. The dedicated FIU Barnes & Noble staff continues to ensure accessibility and affordability of course materials. Any questions may be addressed directly to Barnes & Noble at FIU via email: or by phone: 305-348-3923.

Textbook and instructional materials adoptions for Fall 2020 must be submitted via the new Adoptions & Insights Portal (AIP) at by the institutional deadline of July 3, 2020. For any questions or concerns on textbook adoptions and affordability options in general, please contact the Chair of the Textbook Affordability Task Force, Gitta Montoto, at

If you’re an international student, please visit the Office of International Students and Scholars

CARTA CARES: We are here to help

Faculty and Staff updates: February 25, 2021 at 9 a.m.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 994 7833 9610

Passcode: KJ720H

One tap mobile:

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For complete University updates, please visit for more details.

Frequently Asked Questions About Remote Learning

1- How do I review the advising notes?

Log into MyFIU > click on Academic Advising  > click on Success Network > go to Panther Success  Network > choose Reports.

2- How do I schedule an appointment to meet with my advisor?

Log into MyFIU > click on Academic Advising> click on Success Network > go to Panther Success Network > choose Schedule an appointment.

3- What is the difference between remote and online courses?

Remote courses are those that were originally to be offered face-to-face and have transitioned to an online environment and may require scheduled class times. Online courses are usually created and designed for specific programs, have more flexibility and require students to be self-motivated.

4- Why do I still have to pay fees while learning remotely?

At FIU, we understand that many of our students and their families have been impacted by job loss and other economic and personal challenges because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of you have asked why certain fees are still being charged while the university is learning and working remotely. We hope the explanations below help clarify.

Parking fee: FIU is reducing the student parking fee (formally known as the Transportation Access fee) by $50 for the summer term. The parking fee helps pay for the garages, which cannot be built using states dollars, and covers costs associated with maintenance and repairs.

Distance Learning fee: There is no Distance Learning fee associated with classes being taught remotely because of the pandemic. These classes were designed originally to be taught face-to-face and are now being delivered remotely to allow students to continue their studies from home. Many of the remote classes may still have students and faculty meeting via videoconferencing on specific days and times. A Distance Learning fee of $30 per credit is assessed only for online courses, which are courses that are designed and developed specifically to be delivered online. Faculty designing the courses leverage dedicated online instructional designers and educational technologies reserved for fully online courses. These classes can access the course 24/7. The Distance Learning fee funds the infrastructure and team that helps deliver these courses.

Student Health fee:  These funds pay for several services that have remained open, continue to assist students remotely and provided virtual engagement opportunities such as Student Health Clinic, Counseling and Psychological Services, Victim Empowerment Program, Disability Resource Center, and Healthy Living Program. If you need assistance, please call for an appointment. For a telehealth appointment, please call 305-348-8385 for MMC and 305-919-560 for BBC. For the safety and welfare of all, please call ahead. The on-campus pharmacy is also open. Please call 305-348-0276 to refill or transfer your prescription.

Athletics fee: Even though all athletic programs have been suspended temporarily in accordance with NCAA rules, there are significant fixed costs associated with the maintenance of our sports facilities. At FIU, we typically do not have athletic events during the summer, but want our fields and courts to be ready for students as soon as we resume campus activities.

Activity fee: This fee supports the Graham and Wolfe centers, and Wellness and Recreation Centers and funds student organizations, campus life and helps pay costs that the university is required to pay even though students are learning remotely. During this time, programing such as virtual fitness classes, Life Skills Series, Club Fair, Greek Information Sessions and special speakers are facilitated through this fee.

Materials and Supplies/Equipment Use fees: Fees for course materials and supplies and equipment usage are not being charged.

Revenue Shortfall: While some university expenses may be lower while we are learning and working from home, revenues that are used to keep fees low — facility rentals, food sales and other activities – have disappeared. Reduced revenues and additional expenses associated with COVID-19 are expected to create a shortfall greater than the $19 million FIU is set to receive in CARES Act funding. We must find ways to strike a balance in this new normal.

5- Will the same P/NC grade change policy be offered for the summer term?

As of now, this option was only offered in Spring 2020.

6- For remote learning courses, will Zoom meetings be offered during scheduled class time and is it mandatory to attend?

The temporary approved remoted modality has the expectation of synchronous meetings as scheduled in PantherSoft. Attendance is required.

For FIU’s FAQs, please click here.