FIU by Design provides full service design, planning, consulting, and training services to the private sector, non-profit organizations, and governmental agencies utilizing the expertise of the College of Architecture + The Arts’ faculty and professional staff.

These services are possible through the Office of External Contracts & Grants which assists in achieving grant research and creative externally funded project objectives of the College of Architecture + The Arts at FIU by facilitating:

  • The development of research and service projects, including the required infrastructure of researchers, facilities, equipment, research centers, and educational programs.
  • To identify possibilities for, and to aid in establishing, research and project partnerships among government, industry, professional, and academic communities.
  • Exchanges of researchers and students, information and ideas, and access to all required resources.
  • Knowledge transfer between faculty and external agencies with regard to the impact of design decisions on the quality of the environment and its infrastructure.
  • Aid in technology transfer between industry, professionals, and the individual departments.
  • Development and facilitate strategies to incorporate externally funded projects into CARTA’s academic programs and curricula thus integrating research, creative activities, and student-learning.
  • The creation of a public forum for sharing and discussing ongoing externally funded projects.