CARTA Interdisciplinary Seed Grants support projects that engage in state-of-the-art research or creative activity that cut across various  disciplines. The goal of the funding is to promote collaboration among departments and enhance faculty competitiveness for external funding.

Awards are up to $5,000 for each academic year. Preference will be given to proposals that exhibit:

  • scholarly merit and innovative aspects of the project.
  • the possibility for developing the project for external funding.
  • a well-designed plan to achieve the project’s goals.
  • the potential of gaining external recognition for the project team and the university.
  • appropriateness of the budget and schedule in relation to the scope of project.


Principal investigators (PI and co-PIs) must be full-time faculty members on a continuous appointment of tenure-track or tenured with a rank of assistant professor or higher. The project team must be composed of three faculty members, each from a different department with at least one Tenure Track and one other faculty members from CARTA. Faculty may submit only one application as the Principal Investigator but they can be co-investigators on other projects.

Download the application & call for the proposal HERE ( Available October 7th 2016 )

Prepare a proposal


2016-2017 Schedule
