
Can I give in memory or in honor of someone?

If you wish to honor someone, please fill out the section at the end of the online giving form. Here you will have the option to notify the individual or a family member (in the case of a memorial) of a gift made in their honor or memory. If you are making a gift by mail or by phone, please remember to include a note or mention the name of the honoree and the information for anyone you would like notified.

Can I make a pledge to give?

FIU accepts pledges to give over the phone and by mail. Pledges can either be paid down in one payment, or several installments can be scheduled.

Are international donations accepted?

Yes, FIU accepts both checks and credit cards.

My company matches gifts, how can I get my gift matched?

If you or your spouse’s employer has such a program, please indicate the company name at the time of donation, if necessary, mail your matching gift form to:

College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts Advancement Office
11200 SW 8th Street, PCA 271B
Miami, Florida 33199

Where does my gift go?

Gifts are designated by the donor; they can be restricted or unrestricted. Unrestricted gifts allow the Dean of the College the flexibility to directly allocate funding to the college’s academic departments, schools, and programs with the most pressing need.

Restricted gifts, designated by the donor, fund initiatives that enrich a specific department or student experience. Funding supports priorities such as department recruitment, merit-based scholarships, and special events which showcase student and faculty excellence and bring distinguished experts from the field to campus.

How can I support students?

Gifts intended for student support are designated by the donor under the guidance of a University gift officer. Your gift can support programs such as:

  • Merit-based scholarships;
  • Special programming including events, productions, and public lecture series;
  • Unpaid domestic and/or international co-op opportunities;
  • Student-led research;
  • Student interest/activity groups

Other areas that enrich the student experience can be also explored with the help of a University gift officer.

How can I support faculty?

Generous donations support the recruitment and retention of world renowned faculty, by increasing facilities and updating technology, so that our faculty can give students an unparalleled education. Your gift also supports progressive research conducted by faculty that connects innovation with industry and provides need-based solutions and increased opportunities for students.

Can I designate my gift to a specific area within the college?

Yes, just let us know by selecting your designation on the online donation form or in discussion with the College gift officer. For donations made on the phone or by mail, please make sure to make note of or mention your designation.

Can I split my gift across designations?

Yes, you may give to as many different funds, programs, and initiatives as you please. If donating by mail or by phone please clearly make note of or mention your gift amounts and designations.

Is FIU Foundation a 501(c)3 Organization?


Is my gift tax deductible

That depends on the nature of your gift. Your gift will be 100% tax deductible unless you receive any goods or services in return for your gift, such as auction items or tickets, and the fair-market value of those items is not tax deductible.

What is the FIU Foundation's Federal Tax Identification Number?

The Tax ID number and other forms related to the FIU Foundation Business office are available here.

Will I receive a receipt?

Anyone who donates a gift of any amount will receive an acknowledgement letter. This receipt is generated after the donation had been processed and will be mailed to the donor.

Can I make a confidential donation?

Yes. Please let us know if you would like your gift to be confidential.

Can I add FIU to my will?

Yes, at any time, you can add FIU as a beneficiary of your will and estate plans. You can further designate this gift to benefit any of the programs and colleges at the university that meant the most to you and your family. For questions about planned giving and other tax-related solutions involving your estate, please visit the Office of Gift Planning to learn more about the many planned-giving options available.

How do I update my contact information if I am a donor, alumnus, or friend of the university?

Please contact Kristin Bird at 305-348-0325 or