Individual Giving

The College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts depends on philanthropic support from alumni, parents, faculty, students and donors who believe in the mission of the organization and want to share in its success.

Interested in leaving a unique legacy that will impact students and the community for generations to come? Partners of the College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts have a number of transformational donation opportunities available to them.

We can assist you in establishing a gift that reflects your passion and desire to impact future generations of students and faculty. Whether you choose to underwrite a faculty member performing research in your field, or name the department educating students to follow in your footsteps, or create an endowed scholarship in honor of a loved one, we can offer assistance in making your philanthropic goals a reality.

Make your donation today by Cash or Check

Gifts should be made payable to: FIU Foundation. The purpose of the gift should be stated on the memo line of the check.

Mail your check to:

Florida International University
College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts Advancement
11200 SW 8th Street, PCA 275A
Miami, Florida 33199

Make your donation today by Phone

To make a contribution by phone, please contact CARTA Advancement at 305-348-0045.

Make your donation today Online

Give securely by clicking here.

Appreciated Securities, Stocks and Bonds

Share the future. Stocks and mutual fund gifts are another way to give to CARTA. Not only is the gift tax deductible, but you may also avoid capital gains tax on your gift. Please contact Oliver Ionita, Senior Director of Development, at 305-348-0045 or by email at for gifts of stock instructions and forms.

Matching Gifts

Many employers sponsor matching gift programs for charitable contributions made by their employees. Some even match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses. Before making your gift, find out if your organization will match it, by checking FIU’s database, and double the impact of your gift.

Estate and Planned Gifts

A donation from your estate plans, enables the donor to give without affecting their income, protect their heirs and in some cases provide added income. You many also benefit through significant tax savings with this kind of giving.

Please visit the Planned Giving website to learn more about the many options available.


FIU has partnered with FreeWill to allow supporters like you to write a legally valid will for free and in less than 25 minutes! It’s a great way to build a legacy that will help future generations of Panthers learn, grow, and become successful. Get started on your free will at! For more information, you can contact: Oliver Ionita, Senior Director of Development  at

Real Estate

A gift that keeps on giving. Many types of real estate assets can be donated to qualified charitable organizations like ours. You’ll be helping a good cause, enjoying tax benefits, and potentially setting up a lifetime stream of income. Please contact Oliver Ionita, Senior Director of Development, at 305-348-0045 or by email at for more information.


Gifts other than cash can also benefit the college. It is an ideal opportunity for your company to be more generous and taking advantage of a tax-deductible option. Please keep in mind that not every in-kind donation is tax-deductible; donated services are generally not recognized by the IRS.

If you wish to make a gift-in-kind donation, please contact us at, and we will get back with you immediately.

Examples of gifts-in-kind include:

  • Real estate
  • Stock
  • Technology
  • Product inventory
  • Personal collections
  • Equipment
  • Professional services
  • Printing
  • Other

Memorial Gifts

A visible legacy. Memorialize or honor a family member, friend, or faculty member with a named gift. CARTA will notify the honoree, or a relative, regarding any gift made in this way.

More Information

To learn more about any of the above options or other ways to support the College, please contact Oliver Ionita, Senior Director of Development, at 305-348-0045 or by email at