Self-Leadership Workshop: A Guide to Personal Excellence

Free to all FIU students

  • Saturday + Sunday
  • October 26-27, 2019
  • 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
  • BOLD Agency (AC2 129), Biscayne Bay Campus

J.K.Rowling, LeBron James, Serena Williams, Michael Jordan, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Walt Disney, Dr. Seuss, Steve Jobs, and other individuals we admire, made the impossible the inevitable through their exquisite ability to self-lead. What do these leaders have in common? How did they beat all the odds? Immerse yourself in an experiential workshop that will give you practical tools to discover and leverage your creative potential, so YOU can achieve your dreams too.

Over the weekend, you will learn:

  • what self-awareness and self-leadership are
  • how your thinking patterns impact your life
  • the power of purpose
  • how to communicate effectively and confidently with compassion and empathy
  • how to be resilient, persistent, flexible and adaptable
  • team leadership practices- balancing the “me” with the “we”
  • the importance of health and well-being in self-leadership
  • the relationship between happiness, flow and self- leadership

For questions, email Prof. Mihaela Plugarasu,

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