Capstone: Professional Project

The GSC master’s program culminates with a capstone course — PUR 6956 Professional Project – that is completed independently under the guidance of GSC faculty. All students must take this capstone in their final term.

Course Description and Purpose

PUR 6956 – Professional Project is designed to highlight the various skills and concepts a student has acquired during the study of global strategic communications. The course allows a student to demonstrate excellence in an area of communication study.

Students in this course will be assessed by the successful completion of his/her professional project.

Course Objectives

Course objectives for PUR 6956 Professional Project include:

  • Employ the writing, tactical and strategic communications skills students have learned during their study of global strategic communications within this master’s degree program.
  • Arrange a professional project that will demonstrate to peers, faculty and professionals that the student has mastered the skills taught throughout their graduate career within the School of Communication.

Students will be able to:

  • Show critical, creative and independent thinking.
  • Write correctly and clearly in forms and styles appropriate for the communications profession, as well as for the audiences, and purposes they serve.
  • Identify relevant communications concepts and apply communications theories to contemporary issues.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of professional ethical principles and work ethically in pursuit of truth, accuracy, fairness and diversity

Review of Previous Professional Projects

Students are highly encouraged to review previous professional projects early in the semester to get a feel for the high standards of professional work typically expected, as well as how other students have organized their projects.  Please consult with your professor for examples of past projects.

Project Types

Student projects may take one of two primary forms, either a campaign-type of a project or a research-only project. Both project types usually involve research; however, in the campaign (Program A) research plays a support role in making professional recommendations. On the other hand, a research-only project (Program B) focuses on conducting primary research to address a mass communication, advertising, or public relations objective. Note that these are general requirements and the ultimate purpose, design, and content of the professional project is up to the student and the committee chair.

Program A: Campaign

This is a professional report-style project. The format is similar to the format typically employed in proprietary communication campaigns. The following outline represents major components of the project type. Ultimately, the format for Program A is between the student and the committee chair and may deviate from the following outline only with chair approval. Use a consistent style; APA or Associated Press style is acceptable.

  • Title Page (see sample)
  • Table of Contents
  • Executive Summary
  • Introduction
  • Problem Statement
  • Situation Analysis (Secondary Research)
  • Problems and Opportunities (SWOT)
  • Primary Research
  • Findings
  • Recommendations (Objectives, Strategies and Tactics)
  • Limitations
  • Bibliography
  • Appendix
  • Student Bio
  • Final Defense Signature Page

Program B: Primary Research

This format follows the traditional scholarly format as followed in scholarly, peer-reviewed journals. Use APA format only.

  • Title Page
  • Table of Contents
  • Abstract
  • Chapter 1: Introduction
  • Chapter 2: Literature Review
  • Chapter 3: Methodology
  • Chapter 4: Results
  • Chapter 5: Discussion
  • PUR 6956_Summer B 2021 Professor Heather Radi-Bermudez, APR
  • Chapter 6: Conclusion (including limitations and recommendations)
  • Appendix
  • Student Bio
  • Final Defense Signature Page
Project/Campaign NameAuthor First NameAuthor Last NameProject TypeYearKey Words + Topics

A Communication Awareness Campaign On Youth Dating Violence And Relationship Abuse



Campaign2012Dating, Violence, Abuse, Awareness
Equitable Access to Florida‟s Online Public Elementary SchoolMargaretReynoldsResearch2010

Equitable, Access, Public School

How Do Reality Television Genres Relate To Collectivistic vs. Individualistic Values Among Light And Heavy Reality Television Viewers?CrystalHandfieldResearch2012

Reality, Television, Viewership

The Cancer Support Community- An Integrated Communications Campaign

Christine Melissa


Cancer, Support

A Look At Child Advertising And Influence: Are Advertisers Reinforcing Gender Stereotypes With Advergames?

YvetteLeMastersResearch2012Gender, Stereotype, Gaming, Influence