
The Department of Interior Architecture prepares interior designers with strong professional and content background, capable of engaging in evidence-based design and able to conduct and apply research. The Department offers comprehensive, interdisciplinary degree program designed to engage students in advanced study regarding public interiors. The unique curriculum provides students with firsthand experience of a wide range of interior design issues in specialized areas of study such as hospitality design, healthcare facility design, and workplace design.

Master in Interior Architecture

Master of Interior Architecture

The Master of Interior Architecture provides CIDA Accredited professional degree tracks that are intended for individuals with bachelor degrees from other fields. This course of study has two tracks: a two-year track for students with bachelor degrees in architecture or landscape architecture, and a three-year track for students with baccalaureate degrees in other disciplines. Both of these tracks begin Summer Semester.

Master of Arts in Interior Architecture

Master of Arts in Interior Architecture

Individuals with an undergraduate degree in Interior Design or Interior Architecture or Architecture are eligible for admission to the program provided University requirements are met. This 36 credit hour degree prepares students who wish to conduct research, teach and undertake advanced studies in specific areas.The course of study offers specialized study in one of our tracks. Shared among tracks is the 9 credit core and then each track has its specialized courses and electives. One year of full-time study in residency is normally required. However, a part-time study option is available subject to the review and approval of the Program. Satisfactory completion of 36 credits in the following course of study is required.