Digital Media Studies major and soon-to-be graduate Jessica Grioua landed an internship with OutLoud Multimedia, where she is manages social media and edits multimedia digital content. Below, she shares the importance of networking and doing what she loves in a professional environment.

Name: Jessica Grioua

Major: Bachelor of Science in Digital Media Studies (with a certificate in Social Media and E-Marketing Analytics)

Where did you intern? OutLoud Multimedia

What did you do there? I am a writer, editor and social media manager. I correspond with our 500+ writers assigning stories and editing articles to publish on the site. I also manage OutLoud’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

How did you get your internship? I got this position through a friend in my major who had worked here prior and recommended me for the position. I applied, went in for the interview and was hired!

What projects did you work on? I have worked on countless articles, ranging from album and concert reviews to articles on technology and politics. I have also aided in developing a new social media strategy for the company Instagram.

What was the coolest thing that happened during your internship? The coolest thing that’s happened to me during my internship is being able to write and publish stories for a publication that has thousands of viewers. The story that I’ve edited with the most views has over 3,000!

What did you like most about your experience? The best thing about working at OutLoud is my coworkers. They have always been very laid back and understanding with me, and they have shown an openness to teach and help me with anything I might not know.

What did you learn about yourself? This position helped me learn that my passion is writing and editing. I had been lost as to what I wanted to do for a long time, but actively writing and editing every day has made me realize that I love it. I’ve even started my own blog that I plan to write for regularly!

How did you expand your professional network? I have met several people and made valuable connections within my industry through this position and have learned trade skills that will help me to be competitive and competent in my field when I eventually move forward.

How did it help you prove yourself in the “real world”? This position has helped me prove to myself that I’ll be able to actually make it in the real world and find a job! I had been worried for a long time that once I graduate I won’t be able to find anything to do, but working here has shown me that I can do it! Now that I have real experience in the industry, applying for jobs will be much easier.

What advice do you have for those beginning the internship process? My advice would be to never stop looking and never stop applying. Your resume is your most powerful tool, so keep it sharp and up-to-date! I would also say to make lots of connections and to not underestimate the power of networking.

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