
focus social media and graphics

The U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development is involved with a student-led coalition of eighty student environmental groups and non-profit organizations working together to get the science-based legislation we urgently need for climate solutions.  We are looking for students who are interested in a REMOTE national Fellow position. We are looking for students with some relevant graphic design and social media experience. This work could also feed into a course project, a thesis or independent study credits.



The coalition has launched a campaign called Change the Chamber/Lobby for Climate,   focused on climate change solutions and youth engagement. In two months, it has already reached over 60 million people on social media. We are encouraging more corporations to stop obstructing and start supporting science-based climate policy. Corporations lobby governments through trade groups. These groups have blocked science-based legislation for 25 years. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is a key obstructing trade group with its powerful pro-fossil fuel lobbying. Many of the Chamber’s members are giant corporations that are particularly sensitive to students (their future consumers and recruits).  Building on an earlier successful campaign, this campaign has one tactical social media storm a week @ specific companies, calling them out on their destructive role in climate policy-making and pushing them to support necessary climate legislation.  We have already received positive outcomes from multiple companies.


Fellow Responsibilities

The Fellow would be responsible for some of the following, depending on their interests and skills.  An active team from the coalition would work with the Fellow:

  • Learn from social media experts helping the coalition

Design posts for social media that increase our influence and sphere

  • Design graphics that catch the eye
  • Connect with climate influencers

Time Commitment and Location

Duration: At least 2 months.  Most Fellows stay for one year.

Hours: 10 -20 hr/week during school breaks and negotiable for reduced hours during school year , flexible to decide your own working hours 

Location: Remote


To apply (or ask questions), send a email describing your interest and strengths to Debra Rowe at debrarowe@aya.yale.edu

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