Sustainability Fellowship
Community Power Video/Digital Content Creator
Community Power Coalition of New Hampshire
Concord, New Hampshire
About the Sustainability Fellows Program:
UNH Sustainability Fellowships pair exceptional students from UNH and across the U.S. with municipal, educational, corporate, and non-profit partners in New England to work on transformative sustainability initiatives each summer. Sustainability Fellows undertake challenging projects that are designed to create an immediate impact, offer a quality learning experience, and foster meaningful collaboration. Fellows work on-site (or online) with their mentors at partner organizations during the summer, supported by a network of Fellows, partners, alumni, and the UNH Team.
· Students and recent graduates who will have earned an undergraduate degree from ANY accredited college or university by May 2021 (current seniors, recent graduates, and graduate students).
About the Host Organization:
Community Power Coalition of New Hampshire (CPCNH) is a public power nonprofit in its start-up phase. The organization will provide power supply and other services to Community Power Aggregations (CPAs). A CPA is a program enabling a New Hampshire city, town, or county to procure electric power supply on behalf of its collective residents and businesses. By pooling electricity purchasing together community-wide, cities and towns can procure affordable, sustainably sourced power for the community as a whole. Community Power presents an opportunity to democratize energy decision-making the to the municipal level, and creates opportunities to build new, community-level renewable energy systems.
About the Fellowship:
Recent legislation in New Hampshire, the “Community Power Law,” represents an enormous opportunity to reshape and democratize the structure of the electric power sector on a community-by-community basis. Across New Hampshire, community leaders and local elected officials are mobilizing towards launching their own Community Power Aggregations (CPAs). Community Power is an opportunity for cities and towns to take control of their energy futures, decarbonize the power sector, and generate local wealth from sustainable energy sources. Initial CPAs are on track to launch in 2021 or 2022.
The purpose of the Community Power Video/Digital Content Creator Fellowship is to document and communicate inspiring stories of the local community leaders who are bringing Community Power to their cities and towns. The Fellow will be given a pre-determined list of community leaders who are leading efforts to bring Community Power to their city and town. The Fellow will engage with these community leaders; learn about their efforts; interview them; document/record their stories; create and edit video content for public consumption; and promote content through social media and in collaboration with CPCNH and local communities.
The big picture goals are to:
(1) Create accessible* content that communicates why Community Power matters and elevates public awareness/perception of Community Power;
(2) Engage and support the local leaders moving Community Power forward and elevate their voices.
* Avoiding wonky/jargony technical explanations that can bog down Community Power communications;
1. Create and manage the CPCNH YouTube Channel
2. Create Community Power Video Series.
Following is one potential concept for the Video Series. The Fellow and mentor will work together to create a final concept.
a. “Why” Video(s): One or more advertisement-length video(s) (e.g., 30-60 seconds); Example: “I Believe in Community Power Because…?” This video could compile a string of sound-bites/clips from different community leaders completing the phrase “I believe in Community Power because…”
b. “Who” Video(s): Three or more 2- to 5-minute videos: “Interviews with Community Leaders on Community Power.” These videos will edit together succinct but detailed accounts of community leaders, their backgrounds, and their motivations regarding Community Power.
c. “What/How” Video: One 7- to 15-minute providing more detail on (1) what is Community Power?; and (2) how does a town implement Community Power?
3. Strategy for Promotion of Video Series / YouTube Channel: The Fellow will develop and execute a strategy for promoting video content to targeted audiences in partnership with CPCNH Staff and community partners through email, social media, and other communications channels.
The Fellow will gain skills in video/digital content creation and will develop a portfolio of final video products. Content created by the Fellow has the potential to reach a large viewership audience. The Fellow will gain experience and understanding of the market/policy context shaping the electricity sector. The Fellow will gain experience working in a fast-paced start-up environment on a cutting-edge project that integrates many aspects of energy, policy, markets, and sustainability. The Fellow will have opportunities to network with top public and private energy professionals in the state, and will be exposed to real-world professional opportunities in the energy and climate sector.
Community Power Coalition of New Hampshire is in its start-up phase. Several cities and towns are on track to launch Community Power in 2021; several dozen more are considering launching programs in 2022. Community Power has the potential to spread quickly across New Hampshire cities and towns. The Sustainability Fellow has an opportunity to be a member of the start-up team and to develop content that will help communicate the opportunity of Community Power to a broad audience. Content generated by the Fellow will be invaluable towards communicating and marketing the Community Power opportunity to communities state-wide.
Success of initial Community Power Aggregations (CPAs) and success in communicating the Community Power opportunity broadly has the potential to catalyze rapid transformation in the New Hampshire power sector, first by democratizing decision-making to the community level, and then by empowering communities to develop local renewable energy systems. Storytelling through digital media is a critical component of CPCNH’s start-up and growth strategy as it will enable the rapid proliferation of Community Power from first-mover communities to a broad network of second- and third-wave adopter cities an towns.
Desired Qualifications:
· Academic background in film/video production and editing; communications/media studies; journalism; qualitative research (e.g., participant interviews); social media.
· Experience in video production / YouTube content creation
· Strong communication skills (written, verbal); organization; self-starter/self-motivated; creativity; people person.
· Zoom and/or other virtual meeting platforms; video/audio production software;
· Interests in community; climate; energy; networks; social media; film; documentary.
Community Power Coalition of New Hampshire
14 Dixon Ave, Suite 201
Concord, NH 03301
Work will be performed online.
Henry Herndon, Member Services Director, Community Power Coalition of New Hampshire
(taxable and distributed on a two-week payroll cycle over the course of the fellowship)
Fellows are expected to be primarily dedicated to their assigned projects throughout the summer, and also participate in a variety of networking activities, professional development opportunities, and presentations coordinated by UNHSI. Specifically, Fellows are expected to:
· Attend a mandatory orientation prior to the start of the fellowship term, June 1-3, 2021.
· Work full-time for the partner organization, June 7 – August 20, 2021
· Complete 400 hours of work, including project work with host organization as well as UNHSI activities, between June 1 – August 20, 2021.
· Complete a fellowship project according to the work plan.
· Participate in weekly webinars and advisory group meetings.
· Present work at mid-term and final poster sessions at UNH on July 15 and August 12.
· Engage in additional professional development, networking, and advisory activities as offered.
· Provide and receive feedback at the end of the fellowship.
Apply by February 15 at
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