

Welcome Panthers!

I hope that you have had a wonderful summer break. On behalf of the Lee Caplin School of Journalism & Media, we welcome you to the Fall 2022 semester! We are so excited to share with you what is sure to be another great semester at the beautiful Biscayne Bay campus.

We enter the Fall 2022 semester with a host of wonderful new initiatives and partnerships. We continue to expand our course offerings and this fall will include the addition of new area of concentration courses in Sports Journalism and Spanish-language Reporting. The updated fall schedule also includes MMC 4936 Special Topics: The Metaverse, an innovative new course that explores the metaverse, which will be taught during Fall B by Carlos Fueyo, creative director of Playard Studios and creative director at Eyeline Studios (Scanline VFX). Lastly, our students continue to thrive professionally through participation in experiential learning programs like Univision STEP, NBCU Fellowship, and internships with the South Florida Media Network (SFMN) in Wynwood and Washington, DC.

Beyond the classroom, we encourage you to become active in student life at the Biscayne Bay Campus and within the department. You can stay active throughout the semester by participating in student groups and organizations. As a Journalism + Media student, you can participate in chapters of the National Association of Black Journalists (contact Prof. Karla Kennedy kkennedy@fiu.edu or Prof. Lilliam Bustos lmartin@fiu.edu for more information), the National Association of Hispanic Journalists (contact Dr. Mercedes Vigon vigonm@fiu.edu for more information), and the award-winning student chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists (contact Prof. Tim Sullivan tsulliva@fiu.edu for more information). The Division of Academic and Student Affairs also offer a vast array of university and campus-wide organizations you can join. Lastly, students are encouraged to become active in the award-winning South Florida Media Network (SFMN) and its daily student production of Newsbreak. Email Professor Chuck Strouse at cstrouse@fiu.edu for information on SFMN, and Professor Stephen Kairalla at skairall@fiu.edu for more information on Newsbreak.

Lastly, we believe strongly that fostering a relationship with our students is key to their success and want you to know that we are here to support you.  Our dedicated team of advisors, faculty, and staff will all work with you to ensure that you have a positive and rewarding college experience and that you feel embraced by our community.  Our door is always open to you and we encourage you to reach out to us at any time by visiting our offices located in room 320 of the Academic 2 building. You may also reach out to Judith Villiers, Manager of Academic Support Services at 305-919-5269 or juvillie@fiu.edu with any questions or concerns that you may have.

Once again, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the fall 2022 semester.  I look forward to getting to know each of you personally in the weeks and months ahead.

Paws up!

Susan Jacobson, Ph.D.


Interim Chair and Associate Professor