Resources and Forms

Please find a list of frequently requested forms below. For questions or access to other forms, contact your advisor.

How to get your Panther Degree Audit

Click link for information on how to get your Panther Degree Audit.

Panther Degree Audit

Your Panther Degree Audit is your degree audit that will tell you what you have already done and what you have left to do in order to complete your Major. It keeps track of all of your requirements: University, College and Major.

  • Every time you complete a course that fulfills one of those requirements it checks it off and says EN
  • If you have satisfied a section or requirement it says SATISFIED, meaning you have met this requirement.
  • If you still have a requirement left over it says NOT SATISFIED, meaning you have not met this requirement.
  • If you are registered for a course that will fulfill the requirement, provided you pass it with the appropriate grade, the PDA says IP meaning In Progress.

Your goal is to ensure all the “NOT SATISFIED”s turn into “SATISFIED”s. When that happens, and there are no more “NOT SATISFIED”s left on your PDA, you get a message across the top which reads:


This message is a good indicator, though not a 100% guarantee, that you are ready to graduate at the end of the term.

Change of Program Plan (Major/Add Second Major/Add Minor) Form

To add a second major, minor, or to change your major, please review the requirements first. If you meet the requirements, then download the Change of Program Plan form, complete it and deliver to the SCJ Office of Student Services.

Download Form

FIU Readmission Form

To be readmitted to FIU please contact an SCJ advisor to further discuss the requirements. If you meet the requirements, then download the FIU Readmission Form, complete it and deliver the form to the SCJ Office of Student Services.

Download Form

Certificate Application Form

Certificates require their own application. Find your desired form, download it, complete it and follow directions for delivery.

Download Form

Area of Concentration Form

To update you Area of Concentration on your Panther Degree Audit, please download the appropriate form and drop it off at the BBC Office of Student Services.

Download Form

Add/Drop Form

To add or drop, please download this form and follow directions for delivery.

Download Form

Lee Caplin School of Journalism & Media Course Substitution Form

For Mass Communication courses for other institution, please download & complete the form, and attach a syllabus to it. Please bring it to the BBC Office of Student Services for review. The courses must be completed with a B or higher grade in order to be considered. If you meet the requirements, then download this Fillable Course Substitution form.

Download Form

Lee Caplin School of Journalism & Media Prerequisite Waiver Form

Courses that will require a prerequisite that the student has not yet satisfied will need to download this form fill it out and drop it off at the BBC Office of Student Services. The form will be reviewed for consideration. This is not a guarantee. Please attach pertinent information to the form. If you meet with an advisor and have the necessary requirements, then download this Fillable Course Prerequisite Waiver form.

Download Form