
Diament, M. (2013). Winner of the New York Critics’ ACE Award for Best Play Blind Date, New York.

Diament, M. (2013). Winner of the ACE Award (Critics’ Association) for Best Play Tierra del Fuego, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Diament, M. (2010). Winner of the María Guerrero Award, Best Play for A Report on the Banality of Love, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Diament, (2010). Winner of the Florencio Sánchez Award Best Play for A Report on the Banality of Love, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Diament, M. (2010). Nominated for the ACE Award, Best Play for A Report on the Banality of Love,   Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Diament, M. (2010). Nominated for the Carbonell Award Best Play for A Report on the Banality of Love, Miami, Florida.

Diament, M. (2010). Winner of the ACE Award, Best Play for Blind Date, Mexico City, Mexico.

Gutsche, Jr., R. E. (2013). Gene Burd Urban Journalism Research Prize, Annual Dissertation Award from the Urban Communication Foundation and the Journalism Studies Division of the International Communication Association.

Gutsche, Jr., R. E., Jacobson, S., MacMillin, K., & Pinto, J. (2015). 2015 Innovative Outreach to Scholastic Journalism award from the Scholastic Journalism Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication for

Jacobson, S. (2014). Scripps-Howard Journalism Entrepreneurship Institute Fellowship Awarded Fellowship to attend week-long seminar on journalism and entrepreneurship at Arizona State University.

Jacobson, S. (2014). NATPE Fellowship Awarded fellowship to attend 2014 Educators Track at the National Association of Television Producers and Executives annual convention in Miami, Florida.

Martinez-Bustos, L. (2011). Dow Jones Multimedia Training Academy, University of Texas at El Paso.

Martinez-Bustos, L. (2010). FIU Educational Leadership Enhancement Program (ELEP) Fellowship, 2010-2011.

Pinto, J. (2011). FIU Five-year Service Award.

Ponte, T. (2013). Invited judge of the Scripps Howard 2013 National Journalism Awards.

Ponte, T. (2013). Dow Jones Multimedia Training Academy Fellowship, University of Texas at El Paso.

Ponte, T. (2013). FIU Top Scholar Award.

Ponte, T. (2013). Fulbright Specialist Scholar designation.

Ponte, T. (2013). Nominated: Digital Rap Sessions, FIU Service and Recognition Awards.

Ponte, T. (2012). FIU Community Award.

Richards, A. (2007-present). Invited judge of the Scripps Howard National Journalism Awards.

Richards, A. (2009). Kaiser Foundation Fellowship for Global Health Reporting on HIV/AIDS for producing and narrating “Lessons from South Africa,” a 30-minute documentary about backpack journalism expedition to the epicenter of the HIV/AIDS epidemic with two SJMC journalism students.

Salkin, E. & Gutsche, Jr., R. E. (2015). Top Poster Award, Cultural and Critical Studies Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.

Salkin, E. & Gutsche, Jr., R.E. (2014). Top Faculty Paper (2nd Place), Cultural and Critical Studies Division, Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication.

Sheerin, M. S. (2013). Nominated: Digital Rap Sessions, FIU Service and Recognition Awards.

Shumow, M. (2012). Nominated for FIU Community Award.

Shumow, M. (2011). SJMC Award of Excellence for Exceptional Teaching.

Veraldi, L. (2013). Third Place Faculty Paper for Free Speech and Social Media: Do School Officials Shed Their Disciplinary Authority at the Schoolhouse Gate? Presented to the Law and Policy Division of the AEJMC Southeast Colloquium, Tampa, Florida, March.

Veraldi, L. (2010). Second Place Faculty Paper for The Newspaper-Broadcast Cross-Ownership Rules: Content-Neutral or Tools of Censorship? Presented to the Law and Policy Division at the AEJMC Southeast Colloquium, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, March.

Vigon, V. (2011). FIU Ten-year Service Award.