Faculty Book Chapters

Blevens, F. (2011). “Arming the audience,” in David Folkenflik, ed., Page One: Inside the New York Times and the Future of Journalism (New York: Public Affairs).

Ferreira, L. (2014). Understanding and defending free expression online. In Reis, R., (Ed.), Writing and reporting for digital media. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing.

Ferreira, L. (2013). Americas: Argentina, Chile, and Mexico (three separate chapters). In C. J. Glasser Jr. (Ed.), International libel and privacy handbook. Third Edition. New York, NY: Bloomberg Press/Wiley.

Gutsche, Jr., R. E. & Estrada, C. (forthcoming). Renewing the lease: How news characterizations of Baltimore realigned white reign of US cities. In Linda Steiner and Silvio Waisbord (Eds.), Race, News, and the City: Uncovering Baltimore. New York & London: Routledge.

Gutsche, Jr., R. E. & Rafikova, A. (forthcoming). Journalism & Geography. In Tim P. Vos (Ed.), Journalism in Handbook of Communication Science series. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Gutsche, Jr., R. E., Carviou, J., & Arif, R. (2012). Change that couldn’t happen: News medias’ commitment to hegemonic masculinity through collective memory in the 2008 presidential election. In Nicholas Yanes & Derrias Carter (Eds.), The Iconic Obama, 2007-2009: Essays on Media Representations of the Candidate and New President (pp. 133-150). Jefferson, NC: McFarland.

Gutsche, Jr., R. E. (2011). Missing the scoop: Exploring the cultural and sociological influences of news production upon college student journalists. In Bob Franklin & Donica Mensing (Eds.), Journalism education, training and employment (pp. 63-77). New York & London: Routledge.

Jacobson, S. (2013) The End of Journalism Education. In Br(e)aking the News:      Journalism, Politics and New Media. Gordon, J., Rowinski, P. and Stewart,            G., Eds., Peter Lang.

Pinto, J. (2012). “Legislating ‘rights for nature’ in Ecuador: The mediated social construction of human/nature dualisms.” In A. Latta & H. Wittman (Eds.), Environment and citizenship in Latin America: Natures, subjects and struggles (pp. 227-242). Berghahn Books.

Shumow, M., & Sanjeev, C. (2011). The Role of Multimedia Storytelling in Teaching Global Journalism: A News Literacy Approach. In P. Mihailidis (Ed.), News Literacy: Global Perspectives for the Newsroom and the          Classroom. New York: Peter Lang. pp. 121-138.

Vigón M., Martínez-Bustos, L. & Bustamante C. (June). “Not Business as Usual: Spanish-Language Television Coverage of Arizona´s Immigration Law, April-May 2010.” In Otto Santa Ana & Bustamante (Eds.), Arizona Firestorm (pp. 203-226) Rowman & Littlefield.