Digital TV & Multimedia Production
The Digital TV & Multimedia Production major prepares students for careers in media production and program creation, writing and creative applications of video and audio storytelling. In this major, you will learn the industry’s best practices in multi-platform digital production as well as training in studio production and writing for television. As a Digital TV & Multimedia Production student, you can expect to take courses in motion graphics, podcasting, social media production and web development. The best of this work will even be published on the award-winning Caplin News. You will also have the opportunity to take classes in digital broadcasting, podcasting and at iSTAR, the Immersive Studio for Altered Reality.
Freshmen and Sophomore Students
Applying to FIU and Admission to the Major
Students who select Digital TV and Multimedia Production as a major when they apply to FIU from high school must meet the following criteria to be admitted to the major:
- GPA of 2.85 or greater
Digital TV and Multimedia Production Curriculum
Students in the Digital TV and Multimedia Production major must satisfy all the following requirements as instructed.
FIU University Core Curriculum – All undergraduate students must complete 30 credits (10 classes) in the university’s core curriculum before graduation. More information about the Core Curriculum.
- Required Core Curriculum Course – How We Know What We Know – All Digital Broadcast Journalism students are required to take IDS How We Know What We Know to satisfy the Humanities Group 2 Core Curriculum requirement.
Core Degree Requirements (15 credits): All students in this degree must complete a degree core that includes five courses:
- MMC3003. Journalism & Media Orientation – 0 credits – A course designed to provide students with a comprehensive overview of academic policies, procedures and requirements for matriculation and graduation from the Lee Caplin School of Journalism & Media.
- MMC3303 Global Media and Society – 3 credits satisfies Global Learning – The course will familiarize students with a multi-cultural global perspective of a multi-media world. The aim of the course is to create a foundation of global media literacy.
- MMC3123 Writing for Media – 3 credits – Writing for Media introduces students to professional media writing in journalism, broadcasting, digital media and social media.
DIG3153. Writing for Film – 3 credits -An introductory course covering visual narrative scriptwriting for film. Students learn 3-act dramatic story structure, script elements and industry standards for developing short-form screenplays. Please check with your advisor to substitute DIG 3153 for MMC 3123. - MMC4200 Media Law and Ethics – 3 credits – An in-depth examination of legal and ethical issues confronting media professionals.
- VIC3400. Visual Design for Globalized Media – 3 credits satisfies Global Learning - The course explores the relationship between images and messages in global media and the primary role that visual design plays in globalized media presentations.
- MMC 4940 Media Practicum – 3 credits – All students are required to take at least one internal or external internship.
Major Specific Requirements (27 Credits):
- RTV 3007. Introduction to Television – 3 credits – Introduction to the history, regulation, industry structure and impact of television.
- RTV 3531. Multimedia Production – 3 credits – Intro to audio and video production and editing. Emphasis on single camera techniques and editing.
- RTV 4101. Writing for TV – 3 credits - The course is intended to introduce the student to various types of writing for television and Internet/Journalism videos. This will include storytelling for short videos and short documentaries. Prerequisites: MMC 3003, MMC 3123, RTV 3007, RTV 3531, 2.85 cumulative GPA. Corequisite: RTV 3007, RTV 3531.
- DIG 4293. Multimedia 2 – 3 credits – This is a project-based course that adds to the student’s knowledge of multimedia production. There will be and emphasis on video production and streaming, including studio production projects. Prerequisites: MMC 3003, MMC 3123, RTV 3531, 2.85 cumulative GPA.
- RTV 3511 Video Studio Production – 3 credits – Use of television studio equipment and techniques in production of programs, newscasts, documentaries, commercials, training and video productions. Introduction to basic video directing. Prerequisites: MMC 3003, MMC 3123, RTV 3531, RTV 3007, RTV 4101, 2.85 cumulative GPA.
- DIG 3110. Producing for the Web – 3 credits – This course provides a strong foundation in Web production for media professionals, including HTML, CSS, responsive design, Javascript, basic product research and user testing. Prerequisites: MMC 3003, RTV 3531, 2.85 cumulative GPA.
- DIG 4253. Podcasting and Social Media Production – 3 credits - The emphasis of this course is on the successful creation of podcasts, Instagram Stories and social media content using photos, graphics, sound, video, and animation. Prerequisite: RTV 3531.
- DIG 4394. Motion Graphics – 3 credits - Motion Graphics for Digital Media introduces the theories, techniques, and practices of motion graphics and the integration of design, photo imaging for media professionals. Prerequisites: RTV 3531 and VIC 3400.
- DIG 4552. Advanced Multimedia Production Capstone – 3 credits - This capstone course covers advanced techniques associated with interactive media production, including design, digital storytelling, usability theory, and current best practices. Prerequisites: MMC 3003, MMC 3123, (RTV 3007 or DIG 3001), RTV 3531, (RTV 3511 or DIG 3181), DIG 3110,(DIG 3253 or DIG 3146), (RTV 4101 or DIG 4800), (RTV 4101 or MMC 4302 or DIG 3146), (DIG 4394 or MMC 4631), DIG 4293, 2.85 cumulative GPA.
School of Journalism & Media Electives – 6 credits
Digital TV and Multimedia Production students may choose any course at the 3000/4000 level from ADV, COM, DIG, JOU, MMC, PUR, RTV, SPC.
Area of Concentration – 12 credits
All students enrolled in the Digital TV and Multimedia Production major must have a declared area of concentration (AoC):
- The AoC requires 12 credits of 3000/4000-level complementary coursework
- AoC courses may be taken within or outside of the Lee Caplin School of Journalism & Media
- The AoC is not a minor or a certificate, but you may pursue a minor or certificate program and have that count as your AoC
- Consult with your advisor for what would be suit your career and individual goals.
Sample Areas of Concentration:
- Sports Media (also a certificate program)
- Creative Digital Filmmaking (also a certificate program)
- Spanish-language Reporting
- Social Media and E-Marketing (also a minor within the School of Business)
Transfer Students
Applying to FIU and Admission to the Major
Students who graduate with an Associate of Arts degree from a community college or who are transferring as a Junior from another college or university or department with FIU must meet the following requirements:
- GPA of 2.85 or greater
Degree Requirements
NOTE: Degree requirements may vary based on the number of credits that transfer over into the Lee Caplin School of Journalism & Media, and the nature of the courses that you completed in your previous institution.
University Core Curriculum. Students who have an Associate of Arts degree from a community college or university are not required to complete FIU’s core curriculum. Other transfer students and students who have an Associate of Science degree from a community college are required to complete FIU’s core curriculum.