LACC/SFMN News Story Travel Grant

About The Grant

The Kimberly Green Latin American and Caribbean Center (LACC) and The South Florida Media Network are pleased to announce the 2022-2023 Special News Story Collaborative grant applications.

LACC/SFMN’s grant program funds graduate and undergraduate students travel to any Spanish or Portuguese-speaking country in Latin America and the Caribbean to produce video packages or write news stories directly related to the region.

This is for video or text stories, but each one should have a companion story that is digital and/or multimedia. The video stories should be slightly longer than regular news packages, between 2:00 and 3:00 long. The written stories should be between 600 and 800-words long. They should be done in Spanish and English.

The topics to cover may include migrant caravans, modern slavery, LGBTQ+ and gender, climate change, political polarization, among other issues.

The funding cycle for 2022-2023 will cover research travel and field-related expenses. Travel expenses include air ticket, lodging, and transportation up to $1,500 per student.

Trips can be no more than three days/two nights, and teams can be no larger than three students and one faculty member.

List of Approved Countries

To qualify for this expenses-paid travel, your team must pitch a story that is happening in:

  • Argentina
  • Bolivia
  • Brazil
  • Chile
  • Colombia
  • Costa Rica
  • Dominican Republic
  • Ecuador
  • El Salvador
  • Guatemala
  • Honduras
  • Mexico
  • Nicaragua
  • Panama
  • Paraguay
  • Peru
  • Uruguay
  • Venezuela

Eligibility Requirments

  • Be an FIU entering graduate or senior-level undergraduate student in good standing with the University (academic, personal, financial).
  • Complete the grant application explaining in detail your project and the students (maximum three) that will be participating.
  • DEADLINE: Pitch your story before January 31st, 2023

Faculty Contacts

For more information contact professors Charles Strouse ( or Alejandro Alvarado (


Please click the button below to fill out the application form.