Other Publications and Creative Works

Black, S., Estrada, C., Devine, E., De La Fuente, C., C. Orozco, A., Trabazo, A., De La Vega, S., Gutsche, Jr, R. E., Kopenhaver, L. (2016). Kopenhaver Center Report: What Women Tell Women About Working in Communication. Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication, Florida International University, North Miami, Florida, April 21.

Bui, L., Gutsche, Jr., R. E., Durandi, J., & Kishor, P. (2015). Sensor journalism. February, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sensor_journalism.

Ferreira, L. (2014). Online ethics: Reinventing journalism in Latin America, Hemisphere, Latin American and Caribbean Center (LACC), Florida International University, vol 23, Miami, Florida.

Ferreira, L. (2014). Freedom in Latin America: What press monitors say, Hemisphere, Latin American and Caribbean Center (LACC), Florida International University, vol 23, Miami, Florida.

Gutsche, Jr., R. (2016). How student research can help us understand culture to improve news, EducationShift, http://mediashift.org/2016/02/how-student-research-can-help-us-understand-culture-to-improve-news, February 11.

Gutsche, Jr., R. E., Jacobson, S., & Marino, J. (2015). Classrooms as homes for creative, engaged research, EducationShift, http://mediashift.org/2015/12/classrooms-as-homes-for-creative-engaged-research, December 10.

Gutsche, Jr., R. E., Jacobson, S., & Marino, J. (2015). Can long-form journalism thrive in the age of the mobile device?, rjionline.org, http://www.rjionline.org/blog/can-long-form-journalism-thrive-age-mobile-device, October 28.

Gutsche, Jr., R. (2015). Can cultural research improve news? EducationShift, http://mediashift.org/2015/09/can-cultural-research-improve-news, September 21.

Gutsche, Jr., R. (2015). The future of news. Little Village, February 4.

Gutsche, Jr., R. (2014). Covering Miami’s rising seas: Sensors, public data and politics. PBS EducationShift, pbs.org/mediashift/2014/12/covering-miamis-rising-seas-sensors-public-data-politics, December 9.

Gutsche, Jr., R. (2012). When news and markets collide, Sociological Images. http://thesocietypages.org/socimages/2012/12/19/53101/, December 19.

Gutsche, Jr., R. (2012). ‘This ain’t the ghetto’: Diaspora, discourse, and dealing with ‘Iowa Nice,’ Poroi8(2).

Gutsche, Jr., R. (2014). The black ‘Pleasantville’ migration myth: Moving from a city isn’t pleasant. The Guardian, March 28.

Gutsche, Jr., R. E., co-author. (2013). Racial Equity in Iowa City and Johnson County: A Report of the Coalition for Racial Justice, Iowa City, Iowa. Released July 23.

Jacobson, S. (2014.) “Drudge Report,” “Facebook,” “Folksonomy.” In       Encyclopedia of Social Media and Politics, K. Harvey, Ed., Sage.

Jacobson, S., Gutsche, Jr., R. E., & Marino, J. (2016). 3 lessons learned – so far – from studying interactive elements in long-form multimedia news stories, rjionline.com, https://www.rjionline.org/stories/3-lessons-learned-so-far-from-studying-interactive-elements-in-long-form-mu, January 28.

Marino, J., Jacobson, S., & Gutsche, Jr., R. E. (2015). The eyes have it: Using eye tracking to examine reader engagement, rjionline.org, http://www.rjionline.org/news/eyes-have-it, October 1.

Marino, J., Jacobson, S., & Gutsche, Jr., R. E. (forthcoming). Scrolling for Story: How Millennials Interact with Longform Journalism on Mobile Devices. Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute.

Parker, B., Segev, S., & Pinto, J. (2010.) What it means to go green: Consumer perceptions of green brands and dimensions of “greenness.” Proceedings of the 2010 Conference of the American Academy of Advertising, 99-111.

Pinto, J., & Hughes, S. (2011). Introduction: Special issue on media and citizenship

[Special issue]. Taiwan Journal of Democracy, 7(2), 1-9.

Pinto J. & Vigón M. (2012). Press Freedom, Democracy and Climate Change Reporting    in Latin America. Hemisphere.

Reisner, N. (2014). Are Journalists Up to Code? Quill Magazine, March-April.

Reisner, N. (2009). Bringing diversity to the newsroom is not the same as bringing diversity to coverage. Nieman Watchdog, August.

Richards, A. (2014). FIU’s Dreaded Grammar Test—A Pioneering Model. MediaShift.

Richards, A. (2013). Contributor to blog The Challenge of AIDS     Diplomacy: South Africa Short-Changed? Center for Public Diplomacy at Annenberg School/USC.

Richards, A. (2012). The Digital Rap Sessions, or how die-hard       traditionalists and emerging media yahoos became one. Knight Digital Media Center/USC.

Richards, A. (2011). “Deconstructing Intro to Journalism.” Knight Digital Media Center/USC.

Sheerin, M.S. & Shumow, M. (2011). Digital natives vs. digital immigrants: A case of false labeling? The Convergence Newsletter, 8(9).

Veraldi, L. (2011). Looking for a Break from the Books. Broadcasting & Cable Magazine. Special online commemorative edition marking the 80th anniversary of the publication, November.

Veraldi, L. (2014). Students’ First Amendment Rights Using Social Media. Invited presentation, Faculty Lecture Series, Glen Hubert Library, Florida International University, April.

Yanes, N., Carter, D., & Gutsche, Jr., R. E. (2012). Interview with Dr. Daniel Berkowitz. In Nicholas Yanes & Derrias Carter (Eds.), The Iconic Obama, 2007-2009: Essays on Media Representations of the Candidate and New President (pp. 184-8). Jefferson, NC: McFarland.