Refereed Articles
Berkowitz, D. & Gutsche, Jr., R. E. (2012). Drawing lines in the journalistic sand: Jon Stewart, Edward R. Murrow and memory of news gone by. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 89(4), 643-656. doi: 1077699012456020
Fernandes, J., & Shumow, M. (in-press, 2014). “Framing politics in transnational communities: Spanish-language immigrant media and election coverage in south Florida.” Journalism: Theory, Practice, & Critique.
Gutsche, Jr., R. E. & Shumow, M. (forthcoming, 2016). ‘NO OUTLET’: A critical visual analysis of neoliberal narratives in mediated geographies. Visual Communication.
Gutsche, Jr., R. E. & Salkin, E. (forthcoming). Behold the monster: Mythical explanations of deviance and evil in news of the Amish school shooting. Journalism: Theory, Practice, and Criticism.
Gutsche, Jr., R. E. & Salkin, E. R. (2016). Who lost what? An analysis of myth, loss, and proximity in news coverage of the Steubenville rape. Journalism: Theory, Practice, and Criticism, 17(4), 456-473. doi: 10.1177/1464884914566195
Gutsche, Jr., R. E., Jacobson, S., Pinto, J., & Michel, C. (2015). Reciprocal (and reductionist?) newswork: An examination of youth involvement in creating local participatory environmental news. Journalism Practice. doi: 10.1080/17512786.2015.1111159
Gutsche, Jr., R. E. (2015). Boosterism as banishment: Identifying the power function of local, business news and coverage of city spaces. Journalism Studies, 16(4), 497-512. doi: 10.1080/1461670X.2014.924730
Gutsche, Jr., R. E. (2014). News place-making: Applying ‘mental mapping’ to explore the journalistic interpretive community. Visual Communication, 13(4), 487-510. doi: 10.1177/1470357214541754
Gutsche, Jr., R. E., Naranjo, C. & Martinez-Bustos, L. (2014). ’Now we can talk’: The role of culture in journalistic boundary work during the boycott of Puerto Rico’s La Comay. Journalism Practice, 9(3), 298-313. doi: 10.1080/17512786.2014.963358
Gutsche, Jr., R. E. (2014). ‘Life between fingers’: A response to news photography of an ‘urban ghetto.’ Visual Communication Quarterly, 21(1), 14-23. doi: 10.1080/15551393.2014.892776
Gutsche, Jr., R. E. (2014). There’s no place like home: Storytelling of war in Afghanistan and street crime ‘at home’ in the Omaha World-Herald. Journalism Practice, 8(1), 65-79. doi: 10.1080/17512786.2013.778602
Gutsche, Jr., R. E. (2013). Zombies, drugs & Florida weirdness: ‘Imaginative power’ & resonance in coverage of Miami’s ‘Causeway Cannibal.’ Journalism Studies, 14(4), 555-567. doi: 10.1080/1461670X.2013.779106
Gutsche, Jr., R. E. & Salkin, E. R. (2013). ‘It’s better than blaming a dead young man’: Creating mythical archetypes in local coverage of the Mississippi River drownings. Journalism: Theory, Practice, and Criticism, 14(1), 61-77. doi: 10.1177/1464884912442452
Gutsche, Jr., R. E. (2011). Building boundaries: A case study of the use of news photographs and cultural narratives in the coverage of local crime and in the creation of urban space. Visual Communication Quarterly, 18(3), 140-154. doi: 10.1080/15551393.2011.599275
Gutsche, Jr., R. E. & Salkin, E. R. (2011). News stories: An exploration of independence within post-secondary journalism. Journalism Practice, 5(2), 193-209. doi: 10.1080/17512786.2010.512494
Jacobson, S. (2013). Does Audience Participation on Facebook Influence the News Agenda? A Case Study of The Rachel Maddow Show. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 57(3): 338-355. doi: 10.1080/08838151.2013.816706.
Jacobson, S., Marino, J., & Gutsche, Jr., R. E. (2016). The digital animation of literary journalism. Journalism: Theory, Practice, and Criticism, 17(4), 527-546. doi: 10.1177/1464884914568079
Mihailidis, P. & Shumow, M. (2011). Theorizing journalism education, citizenship, and new media technologies in a global age. Taiwan Journal of Democracy, 7(2), 27-47.
Shumow, M. & Gutsche, Jr., R. E. (2015). Urban policy, press & place: City-making in Florida’s Miami-Dade County. Journal of Urban Affairs. doi: 10.1111/juaf.12225
Shumow, M. (in press). Media production in a transnational setting: Three models of immigrant journalism. Journalism: Theory, Practice & Critique.
Shumow, M. (2012). Immigrant journalism, ideology, and the production of transnational media spaces. Media, Culture, & Society, 34(7), 815-831.
Shumow, M. (2010). “A Foot in Both Worlds”: Transnationalism and media use among Venezuelan immigrants in Miami. International Journal of Communication, 4, 377-397.
Shumow, M. & Sheerin, M. S. (2012). Making ends (and bytes) meet: Teaching multimedia at a 3-U. Journalism and Mass Communication Educator, 68(1), 22-32.
Soruco, G. & Pinto, J. (2010). Mass media use among South Florida Hispanics: An intercultural typology. Florida Communication Journal, 38(2), 77-86.
Veraldi, L. & Veraldi, D. M. (2013). Psychological Research and Video Game Regulation. American Journal of Forensic Psychology, 31(3), 5-20.
Veraldi, L. & Veraldi, D. M. (2011). The Blood of Patriots and Tyrants: What the Research Says about the Proper Balance between Free Speech and Public Safety. American Journal of Forensic Psychology, 29(3), 5-25.
Vigón, M. & Martínez-Bustos, L. (2012). How South Florida Spanish-language newspapers reported on the Egyptian Revolution, January-March 2011. Journal of Spanish Language Media, 5, 25-46.
Vigón, M. (2010). Covering the News for Spanish Speaking USA, Journal of Spanish Language Media, 3, 24-40.
Villar, M. E., & Pinto, J. (2013). Coverage of climate change in leading U.S. Spanish-language newspapers. Journal of Spanish Language Media, 6, 42-60.
Wan-Hsiu, S. T., & Shumow, M. (2011). Representing fatherhood and male domesticity in American advertising. Interdisciplinary Journal of Research in Business, 1(8), 38-48
Zamith, R., Pinto, J., & Villar, M. (2012). Constructing climate change in the Americas: An analysis of news coverage in U.S. and South American newspapers. Science Communication, 35(3), 334-357.