Reuben Schneider Memorial

The Reuben M. Schneider Scholarship for Excellence in Journalism Endowment has been created to honor the memory of Reuben Murray Schneider who passed away on April 24, 2021

For more information or to make a gift,
contact Oliver Ionita, Executive Director of Development
at 305-348-0045 or

Reuben enjoyed a long career as a real estate attorney in South Florida, and was well known for his impeccable standards with regard to language and communication. He was highly respected, even by those who found themselves on the other side of the table; all who worked with him knew to read thoroughly and carefully whenever he was involved!

As the son of two parents who never graduated high school, Reuben M. Schneider held education as among his most cherished values. He worked hard throughout his own schooling, credited it with improving his life and the lives of his family members, and with quiet humility helped many people throughout his lifetime to achieve a higher or better quality education.

This scholarship fund in his name has been established to continue his generous support of educating young people who embody his values of a strong work ethic, a love of the English language and the art of written communication, attention to detail (grammar! spelling!) and rigorous journalistic integrity.

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