
We are offering two types of intern positions in two separate teams within our Capital & Planning Division, our Planning team and our Project Management team.  

Capital and Planning Division 

The Capital & Planning Division is responsible for delivering a portfolio of over 80 Capital Improvement Projects with a value of over $600M to San Francisco City parks. In addition to improvements to existing recreational facilities in the city, the division is also responsible for the identification, acquisition and development of new parks and facilities, and aligning the delivery of new parks and park improvements with San Francisco City goals and policies, and residents’ needs. 

Together with community members and park advocates, the Capital and Planning Division strives to create and renovate parks that solve social problems and enhance community resilience.   

The Planning Unit 

The Planning Unit, within the Capital and Planning Division, plans for the future of our open spaces and works on a wide range of projects that support open space improvements, development, and park acquisitions, as well as a variety of land use issues related to the City’s park system. The unit works on environmental compliance, land use planning, urban design, code enforcement, historic preservation, park improvement plans, acquisitions, grant writing, transportation demand management and public outreach as relevant to park properties. The unit is comprised of six planners, an analyst and 3-4 interns.  

Planning Intern Roles & Responsibilities:  

Perform site review, research and data analysis, and preparation of reports related to property acquisition, park improvement projects and natural resources.  

Prepare informational and analytical maps and graphic materials using ArcGIS software and the Adobe Creative Suite. 

Prepare presentations and staff reports to citizen advisory groups and the Recreation and Park Commission; assist project managers at community meetings; conduct user intercept surveys. 

Analyze existing and proposed open spaces and population growth impacts. 

Assist planning staff with review, analysis and preparation as needed of Environmental Review documents such as California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) reviews and SF Planning Dept Certificates of Appropriateness (CoA) for projects impacting Recreation and Park facilities. 

Evaluate shadow impact studies for Proposition K (SF’s “Sunlight Ordinance”) analysis and prepare reports with recommendations for Commission consideration.  

Assist in grant applications through grant writing, policy and environmental sciences research, and graphics preparation. 

Monitor and update capital project schedules in Airtable and other software. 

Basic administrative support including filing, ordering supplies, receiving mail, data entry, word processing, creating spreadsheets, and other administrative tasks as needed.  


Project Management 

The Project Management/Capital Program is funded from multiple sources including general obligation bonds, a property tax set aside (Open Space Fund), grants, and philanthropic donations. The program includes the renovation and new construction of a variety of neighborhood and citywide recreational facilities. Current capital projects include the renovation of various community recreation and aquatic centers; park landscape, playground, and clubhouse improvements; natural area and trail construction; restoration of significant historic park sites and structures; and master planning and programming for future park improvements. The team is comprised of 14 project managers and 2 interns. 

Project Management Intern Roles & Responsibilities

Research historical park construction documents for park and recreation improvement projects. 

Prepare informational and graphic material for community outreach and grant applications using Adobe Creative Suite and potentially CAD – creating site maps, plans, etc. 

Additional support for community meetings including taking notes, analyzing survey results, and follow up communications. 

Photograph site conditions at various park locations, including organizing project photos. 

Basic administrative support including filing, ordering supplies, receiving mail, data entry, word processing, creating spreadsheets, and other administrative tasks. 

Posting notices related to projects on-site at various locations in SF. 

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