Study Abroad Programs
In addition to traveling to major U.S. cities as part of the design curriculum, our students are encouraged to participate in study abroad programs in Japan, Germany, London and Paris. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to study with FIU faculty members in a foreign city exposes students to iconic places and diverse cultures.

Berlin & Dessau, Germany
Multi-disciplinary Workshop in Bauhaus
The Study Abroad program to Dessau and Berlin is an art and design Workshop modeled on the historic Bauhaus pedagogy. Students will work for 4 weeks in Miami on topics related to the history and legacy of the Bauhaus before visiting the Bauhaus for a week-long residency.
Instructors will direct various aspects of the interdisciplinary courses with the aim of producing prototypes and experimental designed objects. The fundamental aim of the program is not to generate products for their own sake but to test a classic method for education students in art and design practice. At the same time, grounding in the historic context of the Bauhaus as a center of art and design production will serve as a foundation upon which students can speculate about current art and design theory and praxis.
After the 4-week preliminary study period in Miami, students will travel to Dessau Germany for one week to work at the Bauhaus in an intensive design workshop. Afterward, the group will go to Berlin to visit the Bauhaus archive as well as tour significant art and design institutions.

CARTA - Multi-disciplinary Program: Art, Music & Architecture in Europe
Art, Music, and Architecture in Europe features three courses from the University Core Curriculum (UCC) exploring the visual arts, performing arts, and architecture of London and Paris. The semester begins with two weeks of field study in these European capitals, before returning to Miami. Students earn nine UCC credits through an immersive travel study experience in England and France.
London and Paris, the capitals of Great Britain and France, are global metropolises and centers of cultural production. Both cities were founded by the Romans, and played key roles in the development of music, visual art, and architecture in the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Baroque, the Enlightenment, and modernity. Visits to the museums and concert halls of London and Paris are integral to our study abroad program, and both cities offer opportunities to explore key developments in urban design firsthand.