Master of Landscape Architecture (3-year Track)

Candidates who possess a baccalaureate degree in any discipline are eligible for the Master of Landscape Architecture 3-Year Track. All MLA 3-year candidates should apply for the Summer Semester. Depending on the candidate’s background, the Department may require 3-year track students to take additional summer leveling courses before beginning studio in the Fall Semester.

Total required graduate credits: 84 credit hours

Total leveling course credits: 9 credit hours


Master of Landscape Architecture (2-year Track)

Candidates who possess a preprofessional undergraduate degree in planning design, landscape architecture, urban design, architecture, or interior design are eligible for the Master of Landscape Architecture 2-Year Track.

Total Credits: 60 Credit hours


Master of Landscape Architecture (1-year Track)

The Master of Landscape Architecture 1-Year Track is a professional degree for individuals with a graduate degree in planning design, urban design, or architecture from an accredited professional program. Advanced standing may be granted, not to exceed 48 credits for graduate courses with a grade of 3.0 or better on a 4.0 point scale. Satisfactory completion of 36 credits in the following course of study is required.

Candidates who possess a graduate degree in Architecture or Urban Design are eligible for the Master of Landscape Architecture 1-Year Track.

Total Credits: 36 Credit hours