OverviewProgram RequirementsCourse Description

Graduate students in the Landscape Architecture Program who wish to participate in receiving Internship credits may do so by following the guidelines and criteria established by the school.

Students pursuing the Professional Degree Option (84 credits) may enroll for Internship credit in the Summer Term of the second year for a maximum of 3 credits.

Students who have successfully completed the required curriculum leading to the Summer Term of the second year and received program approval may enroll in the Internship credit option.

Students planning to enroll in the internship course will have prepared a portfolio and resume exhibiting their preparedness and abilities to undertake a professional internship. A copy of this resume/portfolio shall remain with the program’s office as part of the student’s record.

The student is responsible for providing the school with the firm’s information and contact for the intern ‘s immediate supervisor. We ask that a licensed Landscape Architect or Architect supervise the student intern with a minimum of 140 hours over the summer’s 6 weeks term. Students wishing to work longer than the minimum established period of time might do so as long as the extra time involved will not interfere with the student’s course of studies.

Students taking the Landscape Architecture Internship course are required to participate in work experiences related to the profession. The experience embodies the specific knowledge and skills considered valuable to the practitioner’s early career, including those areas tested by the LARE examination. The experience is measured in hours in order to assess that the students have had experience in the major areas of practice.

To satisfy the requirements, students must perform work specific to most of these areas. Experiences may be achieved through working directly in the specific area, observation of others engaged in such work or by attending meetings, seminars and workshops.



Documentation is required for the work experiences. A form provided by the program will provide the record. Students are responsible for maintaining a continuous record of work experience and of any supplemental education activities. Student’s log will identify areas where work experience has been acquired. Students document weekly hours in a log, obtain supervisor verification and submit their log with their presentation at the end of the semester.

The profession has an invested interest in providing students with the best possible advice on the activities of daily practice and for the development of competence as a professional. Each intern should have a firm supervisor and an FIU faculty mentor sharing in this responsibility.


Employing Firm

An employing firm is one that has agreed to facilitate the work experience of the Landscape Architecture intern. It is expected that the intern be hired and receive compensation for his/her efforts during the time of internship. Participants must notify FIU with any change in employment and /or supervisor.



The employing firm’s supervisor is responsible for guiding the daily activities of the student intern and for evaluating the intern’s performance at the end of the internship period. The supervisor will coordinate work experiences and periodically verify the participant’s documentation of the hours and tasks performed. The supervisor will also be responsible for evaluating the student’s performance.

The student and supervisor should also be aware that the student will produce a Power Point presentation about their work experience. Review of the presentation requirements will insure that both student and supervisor’s understand about the type of information the student may need to complete the internship requirements.



The mentor is a FIU faculty member not connected to the employing firm. The mentor is selected by the FIU Landscape Architecture program director and acts as an advisor.

Program Requirements


• Graduate student in the Landscape Architecture Program.
• Pursue the Professional Degree Option (84 credits).
• Successful completion of required curriculum leading to the Second Year – Summer Term.
• Provide a portfolio/resume to compete for eligibility into the Internship Program.
• Provide information on prospective firm and contact information of the probable intern‘s immediate supervisor.
• If chosen, register for a maximum of 3 Internship Elective Credits.


Internship Program Requirements:

• A licensed Landscape Architect or Architect shall supervise intern for a minimum of 140 hours over the summer’s six weeks term.
• Participate in work experiences related to the profession in preparation for future practice and licenciature.
• Document work experience using log provided by the program.
• Prepare a Power Point presentation that best describes the experience acquired while working with the participating firm.
• Submit log and presentation at the end of the semester for final evaluation.

Advanced issues in professional practice learned through work experience with a licensed professional.


Students pursuing the Professional Degree Option (84 credits) may enroll for Internship credit in the Summer Term of the second year for a maximum of 3 credits. Students work for a minimum of 140 hours over summer’s 6 weeks term in order to gain a well-rounded experience.


The course emphasizes learning by doing.

The course will help the student develop work related personal skills, such as:

Independence: Practice being self-confident, defining problems and working them out well.
Judgment: Practice using good information and sound reasoning to make productive decisions in appropriate amount of time.
Time Management: Perform job tasks efficiently and on time.
Flexibility: Coping with change, criticism and problems.
Dependability: Carrying out assigned responsibilities and meet deadlines.

The course will help the student to gain experience in areas of professional knowledge such as:

Inventory and Analysis
Planning and Design issues
Construction Methods and Processes
Documentation and Administration
Communication and Presentation


Once a student has procured an internship position, they enroll in the Internship credit course. A licensed Landscape Architect or Architect will supervise the students and that supervisor is responsible for evaluating the student’s performance. The firm’s intern-supervisor and the intern should meet at the beginning of the internship and go over the evaluation form and review the criteria for evaluation. The student and supervisor should also be aware that the student would be producing a PowerPoint presentation about their work experience. Review of the presentation requirements will insure that both the student and supervisor understand about the type of information the student may need to complete the internship requirements.

We ask the employing firm that the student work a minimum of 140 hours in order to receive credit. Students may work more hours than the minimum as long as the extra hours does not interfere with their course of studies.

For more information and for the internship form, click here.