May 23-June 26

En Plein Air Painting—Three Painting Sessions Investigating South Florida Landscapes

Washington Gallery

Opening Reception: May 25 at 7pm

Andris Vītoliņš Head of the Department of Painting at the Art Academy of Latvia and Aleksejs Naumovs, also a noted painter and the Rector of the Academy, have been funded by Erasmus 2.0 to collaborate on new creative projects with Jacek Kolasinski, Chair of FIU Art/Art History and MBUS researcher and FIU Professor of Ceramics, Bill Burke, both of whom recently returned from Erasmus-funded talks to students and colleagues in Riga (for more, click here).  They will paint in situ at the FIU BBC and MMC campuses, Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, and at the Miami Beach Urban Studios.