Take a look at some of the images that Abigail Morales shared of her work!

And here is her statement in her own words:

I first visited England two years ago and I fell in love with the culture, style and the appreciation for art in this country. I decided to move to Liverpool because it’s quieter than London and is the perfect environment for me to create in. I currently have my studio in the city center which is where the Tate is so I visit there and other local galleries to draw inspiration from time to time. The UK itself has a very large and active art scene, so there are plenty of opportunities for artists.

Way to keep the international in FIU! Go Abigail!

Connect with Abigail through LinkedIn!

And many thanks to FIU MBUS’s Regina Bailey for working with Abigail on presenting this work!

Interior view of the studio with painting leaning against the wall. All of the paintings seem to be of tear drop shaped images. Image of sketches of more tear drops shaped images on her work table. Image of Abigail sitting and working on a drawing on black board. Image of a cut-outs used to make the contours of the drawings before it's started. Image of four colorful works (again in the shape of teardrops) lying flat on the floor. Maybe on wood boards.. Image of Abigail kneeling and working on the floor in front of a window with a church steeple in the background.