ArtScape Benefiting the 25th Anniversary of Winter Party Festival
Main Gallery
Exhibition on Display: March 1-6, 2018
Reception/Auction March 2, 2018 At 8PM
To buy tickets for reception click, HERE.
To bridge the gap between LGBTQ Artists and the mainstream art world. LGBTQ+ artists from across the country come together to raise awareness and funds to benefit the National LGBTQ Task Force.
ArtScape is hosted by the annual Winter Party Festival to raise funds for the National LGBTQ Task Force which, among other things, disburses funds to local non-profit organizations as the Miami Foundation, who received a check of $300K from the Task Force disburse raised from 2016’s Gala.
Celebrate out & proud LGBTQ+ Artists.
Bridge the gap between LGBTQ+ Artists and the mainstream art world as well as the general public. We want these often-marginalized voices to be heard– especially in today’s climate.
ArtScape is entering a new era with its new Chair, Jennifer Maria Córdoba Alvarez.
If you are an artist that identifies as LGBTQ and are intereted in attending this event or being apart of it please contact Jennifer Maria Alvarez.