Location: Miami Beach Urban Studios /Hybrid
Time: 6:30
To view the recorded Art Talk, click here.
These paintings begin with my surroundings and environment. They are modified through painterly invention becoming both representations of real places and the atmosphere they leave in memory. Using succinct brushwork, rich surfaces and evocative color, my paintings stress the importance and uniqueness of the painted image. They are worlds that can only be realized through painting. It is only in painting that the elements of color, caricature, touch, and abstraction can be incorporated into a fluid shorthand that directly interprets appearance and experience.
Will Gabaldón was born in Belén, NM. He received a B.F.A. from the University of New Mexico and M.F.A. from the University of Pennsylvania. Will lives and works outside Chicago with his wife and two daughters.
For more information about Will Galbaldon and his practice, click here.