My name is Priscilla Pozo. I’m currently a freshman studying Communication.  Growing up, my mother pushed my sister and I to tackle as many hobbies, crafts, and activities as we could. This led me to grow up in a heavily creative and artistic environment that I will always be grateful for.

While math and science may have not been my ‘thing,’ I was glad to have that creative streak in me instead. My favorite thing to do, though, was dance. I was a dancer for nearly 14 years. While I don’t dance as much as I used to, I still teach and take classes at my old studio, South Florida Ballet, and I also teach at the Lil’ Abner Foundation. Teaching dance allows me to still keep it as a part of my life, although I can’t say that I don’t miss the ritual of doing ballet classes five days a week. While dance has always been my main focus, I also enjoy art, fashion, photography, and music.

I’m always looking for an outlet for self-expression whether that be through the way I dress or the music I listen to. When I was applying to Florida International University, I felt that the CARTA program was really the only option for me. As someone who’s grown up with a keen interest in the arts, I felt that this side of FIU would really allow me to combine creativity with a solid education and practical career.

When I heard about MBUS LEADS, I was excited to finally find somewhere where I might actually belong. Being surrounded by creatives like myself will help me to continue to push myself and help me grow as a leader through its innovative leadership opportunities. I also feel the program will really be able to open doors for me as it’d connect me to professionals that will be able to help me succeed in the future.