
The Multicultural Advertising Intern Program (MAIP) is a fellowship for students of color interested in pursuing a career in advertising/marketing/communications.

Applications for summer 2022 are currently open. MAIP fellows work at advertising agencies or other partner organizations (such as Sony Music Group and Disney brands), interact with industry professionals on a day-to-day basis, and gain valuable professional credentials to get their first job in the industry.

Unmatched in size and scale, MAIP has evolved into a professional development program and network. We have impacted the lives of 4,100+ young professionals for over four decades by providing the platform to launch and sustain their careers. Fellows have the opportunity to intern with partners across the United States. During an in-person program, the 4A’s Foundation covers 90% of housing and travel costs to make this opportunity accessible. MAIP 2022’s format will be confirmed in January 2022.

Deadline: November 21, 2021 by 11:59pm ET

Questions? Email maip@aaaa.org

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