Teacher, Secondary – Science, Math, Social Science, English, Music, Art
California credential authorizing instruction at the secondary level. Must have English Learner Authorization.
Knowledge of and ability to implement the subject matter, philosophical, social, and educational concepts relative to the duties and responsibilities listed on this job description
We invite you to apply for the 22/23 eligibility pool for the Science, Math, Social Studies, English, Music and Art teaching positions. Please apply to this posting no later than midnight on January 21, 2022. If you are screened in, you will receive an email invitation to join 1 of 3 webinars where we will introduce you to Fresno Unified and have a Q & A session to explain next steps to being hired for FUSD. Preliminary interviews will take place the week of January 24th – 28th. You will receive further instructions prior to the week of the interviews.
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