
Camp Skylemar seeks college students and recent graduates to work as Counselors this summer.  Our mission is to positively impact the world, one child at a time.    At Skylemar, you will be a hero and leader while teaching, coaching, and mentoring kids.  You will be mentored and develop dynamic skills within our creative and collaborative community.  Staff orientation and weekly in-service training sessions provide a foundation to assume summer responsibilities.  You’ll create lifelong friendships and connections.


Camp Skylemar is a well-established (since 1948) recreational summer camp, in southern Maine.  The state of Maine is more than a destination – it’s an experience that will take your breath away.   In summer, there’s no better place to be than in Maine.  There’s so much to explore and enjoy from the beaches to the mountains during your free time.


Activities include:


·      Sports: lacrosse, basketball, baseball, tennis, golf, hockey, archery, football, biking, soccer & volleyball.

·      Arts, Music & Sciences: photography, theatre arts, culinary arts, science, woodshop, art, video production, crafts, piano, graphic design & guitar.

·      Water Sports: swimming, canoeing, kayaking, paddle-boarding, sailing, water-skiing, wake-boarding, wake-surfing, water polo & fishing.

·      Outdoor Adventure: ropes course, climbing, hiking, camping & outdoor skills.


Applicants must have completed at least one year of college.  Salary packages start at $3,200.00.  We also provide free housing, meals, round-trip transportation expenses, WIFI, staff clothing, time off, and laundry service.  The camp season runs from June 16 to August 11.  You can take a college class online while you are here.


Internship credit is available.  Most educational institutions require prior approval before the start of an internship. Check with your institution to be sure this opportunity meets any requirements.


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