Cost of Attendance

Student Cost of Attendance (COA) budgets are developed each academic year by the HWCOM Office of Financial Assistance and are dependent on tuition and fee structures set by the governing boards. Therefore, the COA may be estimated during the early awarding process and is subject to change. The COA is used in the evaluation of financial need and awarding of aid and to give students an estimate of reasonable costs to attend the Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine.

The standard student budgets are based on typical expenses for a single student. Costs for a student’s spouse/children are not included in the standard student budget; these expenses are accounted for in the need analysis formula of the FAFSA.

Tuition and Fees:
Tuition and fees are charged at a flat yearly rate, regardless of the actual hours enrolled. The academic term is the full academic year, so all courses taken during the academic year are covered. The tuition and fees are reviewed annually and are subject to change. School of Music Fees are related to music royalties, scores, piano accompaniment, etc.

Books and Supplies:
Cost is estimated based on a survey of costs associated with required books and supplies. Books and supplies consist of: required textbooks, miscellaneous supplies; and instrument maintenance.

Estimated Class of 2020 School of Music Student Cost of Attendance Budget for 2017-2018

Figures may be subject to change

Established by the FL State Legislature, FL Board of Governors, and the FIU Board of Trustees

In State Resident Off-CampusOut of State Resident Off-Campus
University Fees$University Fees$
Books and Supplies$Books and Supplies$

TOTAL                                                              TOTAL

In State Resident On-CampusOut of State Resident On-Campus
University Fees$University Fees$
Books and Supplies$Books and Supplies$

TOTAL                                                             TOTAL