Herbert and Nicole Wertheim Performing Arts CenterWertheim Concert HallInstrumental HallRecital Hall


The Herbert and Nicole Wertheim Performing Arts Center (WPAC) opened in 1996 after Dr. Herbert Wertheim and his wife Nicole made gifts of more than $1 million to the University’s music, theatre, and dance programs. It houses the Herbert and Nicole Wertheim School of Music & Performing Arts and the FIU Department of Theatre and is considered to be one of Miami’s premier collegiate concert and performance venues featuring world class musicians, faculty, students, and guest performers. These performances take place in the beautiful 600 seat concert hall, with smaller events held in the more intimate 100 seat recital hall. The performing arts center also houses practice rooms, instrumental rehearsal halls, computer music studios, faculty teaching studios, an organ studio containing a two-manual Schlicker practice pipe organ, the Sydell Ida Wertheim Organ, and a variety of early music instruments including viols, lutes, and a harpsichord.

concert hall











The School of Music uses the 585 seat concert hall as its main concert venue for large ensemble performances, full-scale opera productions, faculty recitals, and guest artist appearances. Most of the School’s faculty and student ensembles present concerts each year including FIU’s Ensemble-in-Residence the Amernet String Quartet, the FIU Symphony Orchestra, the FIU Wind Ensemble, various jazz ensembles, and large choral ensembles. It is professionally equipped with a 40-foot retractable screen, a Panasonic projection system, exceptional acoustics, and state-of-the-art lighting.



The Sydell Ida Wertheim Organ is the spotlight of the performing arts center. The prestigious 125 year old Schantz Organ Company took nearly a year to build the 26-ton organ that is the largest in Southeast and one of the most technologically advanced in the country. It features a solid-oak console with four manual keyboards and a pedal clavier that controls its 4,255 pipes. Just as the Herbert and Nicole Wertheim Performing Arts Center was made possible through the generosity of Herbert and Nicole Wertheim, so has their kindness made FIU the recipient of this exceptional instrument. In gratitude, the university dedicated the concert organ to the memory of Dr. Herbert Wertheim’s mother, Sydell Ida Wertheim, who passed away in 1997.

johnfedchockinstrumentalhall1 The instrumental hall provides an educational space for events including festivals, forums, lectures, and master classes. It has hosted many famed guest artists, our Festival of Bands/Strings/ and Jazz Bands, our Arts@FIU Day, and a variety of other outreach programs.

recital-hallThe recital hall is the ideal space for student recitals, lectures, luncheons, small ceremonies, and rehearsals. The hall accommodates 100 guests and is equipped with warm lighting, high ceilings, and outstanding acoustics.

FOR RENTAL INFORMATION: Nathalie Brenner | 305-348-1998 | wpac@fiu.eduwpac.fiu.edu



Green Library’s music collection—like the university itself—is young and growing, having been made richer by many donors.  Its sound collection, consisting of over  38,000 mostly classical and jazz LP recordings and almost 23,000 classical compact discs is one the largest and most complete in the Florida university system. The library was the fortunate recipient of the WTMI radio station’s gift of its entire LP collection, which gave it an early start toward a very complete sound collection to serve the listening needs of the School of Music as well as those of the greater university. Additionally the library subscribes to Naxos Music Library, an online streaming library of almost 100,000 classical discs over and 20,000 jazz discs. The library’s Sound and Images department is also home to the Diaz-Ayala Collection of Latin American popular and jazz music.

The library’s 5th floor contains the sound recordings, scores and books comprising almost the entire whole of the music collection.  Reference materials are housed there as well, such as the major music encyclopedias and dictionaries.  There is a growing collection of urtext and critical edition performing scores by such publishers as Henle, Barenreiter and Breitkopf, as well as interpretive editions—many of which were gifts.  A large collection of miniature scores are from Albert Bolet, brother of George Bolet, the well-known Cuban classical pianist.  There is also a growing collection of the collected sets of the works major composers in modern, critical editions.

The book collection is largely English language materials and contains many biographies, autobiographies, bibliographies and critical studies of all aspects of musical history.

Housed on the library’s fifth floor, but belonging to the College of Architecture + the Arts is the Julian Kreeger Collection of sound recordings currently being added to the library’s catalog. This is a collection of largely LP and mostly piano (but also opera and orchestral) recordings of the world famous pianists, orchestras and conductors and represents a lifetime of discriminating sound recording collecting. The Collection features many early and rare Soviet-era vinyl recordings of distinguished pianists including Emil Gilels, Svatoslav Ritcher, Vladamir Sofronitsky, Maria Grinberg, Yakov Fliere, Mark Taimanov, Maria Yudina, Lazar Berman, as well as a 1903 (78 rpm) recording by Camille Saint-Saens performing on the piano.


amernet-at-mbus-150x150College of Architecture + The Arts | Miami Beach Urban Studios

The Urban Studios provide expansive space for design and fine arts students, practice and performance spaces for music and theatre students. The location is an ideal base for the study in arts, design and performance, for museum and gallery visits, and for exposure to the wealth of arts organizations located in Miami Beach.

Information: 420 Lincoln Rd., Miami Beach, FL 33139



Frost-Art-Museum-150x150The Patricia & Phillip Frost Art Museum 

The mission of the Patricia and Phillip Frost Art Museum at Florida International University is to enrich and educate local, national and international audiences through the language of art by collecting, preserving, researching, interpreting, and exhibiting art from diverse cultures throughout human history.

Information: 10975 SW 17th St., Miami, FL 33199



wolfsonian-150x150The Wolfsonian – FIU

The Wolfsonian – FIU is a museum, library, and research center that uses objects to illustrate the persuasive power of art and design, to explore what it means to be modern, and to tell the story of social, historical, and technological changes that have transformed our world. School of Music student ensembles regularly perform thoughout the year.

Information: 1001 Washington Ave., Miami Beach, FL 33139 | (305) 535-2617



jmf-150x150Jewish Museum of Florida- FIU

The mission of the Jewish Museum of Florida is to collect, preserve and interpret the material evidence of the Florida Jewish experience from when Jews were first allowed to settle in 1763 and up to the present and to interpret this history in the context of the American Jewish experience.

Information: 301 Washington Ave., Miami Beach, FL 33139




Heritage Park, City of Sunny Isles Beach

This 4 acre park is a multi-use facility with a recreation area, adjacent dog park, and public parking. Cultural events are offered to the public at low cost.

Information: 19200 Collins Ave., City of Sunny Isles Beach, 33160




miami-beach-botanical-garden-150x150Miami Beach Botanical Garden

The Miami Beach Botanical Garden provides free public access to an attractive botanical garden, while serving as a venue for visual and performing arts.

Information: 2000 Convention Center Dr., Miami Beach, FL 33139 | (305) 673.7256




ccemiami2-150x150Centro Cultural Español de Miami | Spanish Cultural Center

The Spanish Cultural Center promotes the exchange of cultural goods, ideas, projects, and proposals from different countries.

Information: 1490 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami, FL 33132 | (305) 448.9677





pinecrest-gardens1-150x150Pinecrest Gardens

The park includes a variety of sites including a botanical garden, butterfly exhibit, swan lake, petting zoo, children’s playground, and a popular splash-n-play area. The park also provides  residents and visitors with year-round entertainment.

Information: 1000 Red Road, Pinecrest, Florida 33156 | (305)669-6990



steinwaymiami-150x150Steinway Piano Gallery, Coral Gables

With its beautiful 6,000 square-foot showroom including a 90-seat performance space, Steinway Piano Gallery Coral Gables is home to the largest selection of Steinway and Steinway-designed instruments in southern Florida. It hosts both master classes and performances throughout the year.

Information: 4104 Ponce de Leon Blvd, Coral Gables, FL 33146 | (305) 774-9878



manuel-artime1-150x150Manuel Artime Theatre

The theatre’s stage, 60′ x 30′, is one of the longest in town and is particularly suited to accommodate dance, theater, opera, and symphonic presentations.

Information: 900 SW 1st Street, Miami, FL, 33130 | (305) 575.5057




Viertes-Haus-150x150Viertes Haus

Viertes Haus is German for “fourth house,” and just like the name suggests it was the fourth in a series of learning facilities on the Modesto Maidique Campus. Today, Viertes Haus is home to the studios, classrooms, and offices in use by the College of Architecture + The Arts and is located on the Modesto A. Maidique Campus.

Information: 11200 SW 8th St. (E Campus Circle), Miami, FL



bbc-wolfe-150x150Mary Ann Wolfe Theater, FIU’s Biscayne Bay Campus

The Mary Ann Wolfe Theater is a multi-purpose facility that seats approximately 300 and plays host to a variety of different concerts, plays, and other events. Built in 1978, the theater eventually converted from a lecture hall into a performing arts space which began hosting not only theater events but regular campus activities as well.

Information: 3000 NE 151 St., WUC 325, North Miami, FL 33181 | (305) 919.5800