Erynn M. Millard, Ph.D.

Director of Choral Activities


Office Location: 144A

Erynn M. Millard is the Director of Choral Activities at the Wertheim School of Music & Performing Arts at Florida International University. She is in charge of all choral activities and oversees the activities of the Concert Choir, the University Singers, and the Gospel Choir.

She holds a Ph.D. in choral music education and conducting with a college teaching certificate from The Florida State University, where she studied conducting with André Thomas and Kevin Fenton. Additionally, she completed a Master of Science in Secondary Music Education and a Bachelor of Music in Vocal Music Education at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia. Her research interests include the role of competition in choral music education, choral music preferences, and honor choir audition procedures.

Prior to her appointment at FIU, Dr. Millard was the Director of Choral Activities and Associate Professor of Choral Music Education at Minnesota State University Moorhead. There, she conducted the Concert Choir, University Choir, Festival Choirs (SSAA and TTBB), and Solfire Pop A Cappella in addition to teaching classes in conducting, music education, and the voice area. Before doctoral work, she taught for ten years with Newport News Public Schools in Southeastern Virginia, including experience at the elementary, middle, and high school levels of choral music. Her choral ensembles have consistently earned top ratings at local, regional, and national events and represented their schools in local and statewide honor choirs.

Recent conference presentations include European Music Educators Association Conference in Brussels, Belgium (2018, 2020), Virginia (2016) and Minnesota (2017, 2018) Music Educators Associations, North Dakota (2017) and Minnesota (2017, 2018) chapters of the American Choral Directors Association. Guest conducting opportunities include EMEA European Honor Choir (2022), Minnesota SSAA 9-10 State Honor Choir (2019), and Northern Plains Kodaly Chapter Honor Choir (2019). Invited choral performances include MN-ACDA Conference (2019), NPKC Kodaly Honor Choir Concert (2019), and the Fall Festival Honor Choir Concert (2019). Dr. Millard is in frequent demand as a local and regional adjudicator and works with Festivals of Music and Music in the Parks.

Dr. Millard has been nominated for Cass-Clay YWCA Women of the Year (Arts and Culture) and MSUM Academic Excellence in Innovation. In 2019, she performed in two world premieres: André Thomas’ Mass (National ACDA Conference) and René Clausen’s Before the Whirlwind with the Fargo Moorhead Symphony. She also performs with The Festival Singers of Florida under the direction of Kevin Fenton.