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This ecumenical musical commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation will bring people of all denominations together to hear and sing some of the most wonderful music created in the first centuries of the Reformation, with music by Martin Luther and his colleagues, and from other reformed traditions. A remarkable gathering of singers from across South Florida will lead the singing of favorite music of this period.

Come and hear Reformation era music sung by the Anglican Chorale, American Guild of Organists, Florida International University choirs, Miami Collegium Musicum, Miami Dade College choirs, Barry University choirs, St. Andrew’s Bell Choir, church and school choirs, guests and visitors. Please help spread the word—this gathering of choirs and music lovers will be one of the most remarkable musical celebrations!

Luther wrote 36 hymns and one motet; his followers would go on to write hundreds of hymns—perhaps most notably Paul Gerhardt (1607-1676) who wrote 139 German hymn texts and 15 in Latin. Today there are over 10,000 hymns that have been collected on NetHymnal.

This FREE event will begin with Luther’s A Mighty Fortress is Our God—both in Luther’s original rhythmic version and then in the common form best known today. Other favorite hymns will include All People that on Earth Do Dwell and Now Thank We All Our God.





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