A Degree in Composition

The music composition program at FIU prepares students for either continued graduate studies in composition or as skillful composers continuing in a variety of related occupations. Hands on experience in the use of new technologies including computer music, film scoring, video, and interactive and notational software are an integral part of the curriculum.

B.M. in Composition

The FIU Music Composition Undergraduate Program is designed to give students a strong background in the techniques and languages of a variety of musical styles ranging from common practice music to the most experimental contemporary approaches. Combining writing with analysis, the program is designed to produce composers who are proficient in a variety of musical languages while at the same time allowing for the evolution of an individual’s personal compositional craft and approach. An emphasis on musicianship, including the performance and conducting of a student’s works, further enhances the student composer’s development as a competent musician. Numerous performance opportunities of students’ music by excellent performers and ensembles as well as hands on experience in the use of new technologies including computer music, film scoring, video, and interactive and notational software are an integral part of the curriculum. Many of our graduates have continued studies at other prestigious schools in the US and abroad and have been the recipients of ASCAP and BMI Student Composition awards and other important prizes. The four-year music composition program at FIU prepares students for either continued graduate studies in composition or as skillful composers continuing in a variety of related occupations.

Audition Requirements

Submit a portfolio of 3 or 4 of your works consisting of sound files and/or videos. Works can be for acoustic, electronic, mixed, and with/without videos.

Demonstrate your craft and depth of compositional knowledge exhibiting an awareness of contemporary aesthetics and techniques.

Include works for a variety of instruments/voices and sizes of ensembles (solo, chamber, etc.).

Make clear your interest in composition as a major and what the student expects to gain from their studies at FIU in this area.

Outline your interest and future goals as a composer.

Audition Dates

Qualified candidates will be invited to audition in person at FIU. Organized auditions are held three times per year, but can be scheduled at other times throughout the year upon request. Applicants who wish to be considered for University merit-based scholarships should attend the November audition date. Theory and history placement tests will be given during organized audition days.

Upcoming audition dates include: November 18, 2023 | February 17, 2024 | and March 16, 2024.

Do You Have Questions?

Contact Our Coordinator of Composition

Orlando Jacinto Garcia, D.M.A.

(305) 535-2617


Mana Wynwood – FIU CARTA, Office 104


M.M. in Composition

The M.M. in Composition at Florida International University is designed to assist students with the development of their own individual voices as composers while helping them to continue to develop their craft. Numerous performance opportunities of student work by excellent performers and ensembles as well as hands on experience in the use of new technologies including computer music, film scoring, video, and interactive and notational software are an integral part of the curriculum. Many of our graduates have continued studies at other prestigious schools and have been the recipients of ASCAP and BMI Student Composition awards. This two-year program prepares composers for either continued graduate studies or as skillful composers continuing in a variety of other related occupations.

Audition Requirements

Submit a portfolio of 3 or 4 of your works consisting of sound files and/or videos. Works can be for acoustic, electronic, mixed, and with/without videos.

Demonstrate your craft and depth of compositional knowledge exhibiting an awareness of contemporary aesthetics and techniques.

Include works for a variety of instruments/voices and sizes of ensembles (solo, chamber, etc.).

Make clear your interest in composition as a major and what the student expects to gain from their studies at FIU in this area.

Outline your interest and future goals as a composer.

Audition Dates

Qualified candidates will be invited to audition in person at FIU. Organized auditions are held three times per year, but can be scheduled at other times throughout the year upon request. Applicants who wish to be considered for University merit-based scholarships should attend the November audition date. Theory and history placement tests will be given during organized audition days.

Upcoming audition dates include: November 18, 2023 | February 17, 2024 | and March 16, 2024.

Do You Have Questions?

Contact Our Coordinator of Composition Studies

Orlando Jacinto Garcia, D.M.A.

(305) 535-2617


Mana Wynwood – FIU CARTA, Office 104



M.M. in Composition

4 + 1 Combined B.M. & M.M. in Music Composition

The 4+1 Combined Degree program is designed for serious composers who wish to complete both their B.M. and M.M. from FIU.

To be considered for admission to the combined bachelor’s/master’s degree program, majors must be in good standing. Eligibility will be determined during the Composition I and II classes which are taken during the sophomore year.

Admission Requirements

  • Current overall GPA of 3.2 or better
  • Completed at least 75 credit hours
  • In good standing as a Music Composition Major at FIU
  • Submission of request in writing for admission into the graduate program with justification and future plans.
  • Approval from the Music Composition Program Director (Undergraduate and Graduate)

Senior Year
  • In the combined degree pathway students will count up to 12 credits of graduate level courses in both the B.M. and M.M degrees.
  • Students must complete the final oral exit requirement, and Senior Composition Recital (MUS 4910)
  • Students must apply for graduation so that they will receive the B.M. at the end of their senior year

Graduate Program Requirements

All combined degree pathway student graduate credits completed as part of the B.M. will be transferred into the graduate program and counted for completion for the M.M. (total 36 credits). No more than 12 credits can be applied to both degrees.

Do You Have Questions?

Contact Our Coordinator of Composition Studies

Dr. Orlando Jacinto Garcia

(305) 535-2617


Mana Wynwood – FIU CARTA, Office 104



Minor in Music Composition

A Minor in Music Composition is available for students accepted into and working on the B.M. degree in areas of studies other than Composition (e.g. Jazz, Applied, Music Education, and Music Technology). Admittance into the Music Composition Minor is based on the results of an interview with the Music Composition Program Coordinator and pending availability within the program.

Required Courses

Required Courses

Music Theory

  • MUT 4311 Orchestration (3)

Composition (beyond Freshmen Basic Music Composition which may be waived (4)

  • MUC 2221 Composition I (2)
  • MUC 2222 Composition II (2)

Electronic Music (2)

  • MUC 2301 Electronic Music I (2)

Composition Forum (1)

  • MUC 4932 Composition Forum (1 Semester) (1)

Ensemble (1)

  • MUN 2490 New Music Ensemble (1 Semester) (1)

Interdisciplinary Courses (3) from the following:

  • MUS 4650 Experimental Music and Arts
  • MUC 4610 Film Scoring Fundamentals
  • MUC 4611 Documentary Film Scoring Fundamentals

Totaling 14 Credits

Submit your Application!

Minor in Music with a Concentration in Music Composition

A Minor in Music with a Concentration in Music Composition is available for students accepted into the minor in music. Acceptance into the Music Minor is based on a successful audition on the student’s instrument. After successful admittance into the School of Music, admittance into the Music Minor with an emphasis in Music Composition is based on the results of an interview with the music composition program coordinator and pending availability within the program.

Required Courses

Required Courses (6)

Music Theory

  • MUT 1111 Musi Theory I (3)
  • MUT 1112 Music Theory II (3)

Composition (5)

  • MUC 1001 Basic Music Comp I (2)
  • MUC 2221 Composition I (2)
  • MUC 2222 Composition II (2)

Electronic Music (2)

  • MUC 1342 MIDI Technology or MUC 2301 Electronic Music I (depending on placement) (2)

Music Appreciation (3)

  • MUL 1010 Music Appreciation (3)

Music History Elective (3)

  • MUH 3214 Music History IV (3)

Final Project (1)

  • MUH 4910 Research I (1)

Music Electives (4)

  • (To be decided with Composition Program Coordinator) (4)

Totaling 24 Credits

Submit your Application!

Do You Have Questions?

Contact Our Coordinator of Composition

Dr. Orlando Jacinto Garcia

(305) 535-2617


Mana Wynwood – FIU CARTA, Office 104


New Music Miami ISCM Festival

The New Music Miami ISCM Festival (NMMF) originally began in 1993 as the May in Miami Music Festival, an annual, week-long festival occurring every May.  The festival featured nightly concerts with performances by performers from the New World Symphony and FIU faculty of renowned, emerging, and student composers. In 1997, the festival expanded its scope by scheduling concerts throughout the year and became the New Music Miami Festival.  By 2002, FIU became an associated chapter of the International Society for Contemporary Music (ISCM), a network that now includes over 60 organizations in over 50 countries, on every continent, dedicated to promoting contemporary music in all is varied forms.

The founder of the festival, Dr. Orlando Jacinto Garcia, runs the Composition Program at FIU, and oversees the artistic direction of FIU’s contemporary ensemble, NODUS Ensemble. The distinctive character of his music has been described as “time suspended-haunting sonic explorations” that he developed from his studies with Morton Feldman among others.