The Miami ISCM Chapter received over 50 scores from different parts of the world for the first ever New Music Miami ISCM Festival Series competition for works composed for Youth Symphony. The panel was very impressed with the overall quality of the works submitted and as a result of the judging, David Heuser’s work Cauldron will be presented on May 7 by the Greater Miami Youth Symphony Huifang Chen conducting. Two other works, Rugged Edges by Hsiao-Lan Wang and poliptico by Andres Carrizo, were finalists and will be kept by the orchestra for possible consideration in the future.

We thank all of the composers that submitted works and invite everyone to consider submitting again for upcoming calls. The call for scores for the next World Music Days submissions will be made in the spring/summer 2011 (US composers only) and the call for the 2012 New Music Miami Festival Series competition will be available in the summer/fall of 2011 (all composers regardless of nationality or location, etc).