Thank you to everyone who submitted pieces as part of the Call for Works, both for 2015 ISCM New Music Miami ISCM Festival and the 2015 World Music Days (Miami Section) to be held in Slovenia. We received hundreds of works, and are pleased to announce the following results.
The six finalists selected for the 2015 ISCM World Music Days are:
Christopher Dietz, Swarm
Jacob Gotlib, Portrait Sequence (Blanching out)
Jessica Rudman, You As You Were Before You Existed
Michael Timpson, “Outlier” Concert
Nina Young, Fata Morgana
Ryan Carter, too many arguments in line 17
The final programming choices will be made by the festival committee for the World Music Days. Congratulations to our finalists, and good luck!
The following works selected and to be programmed for the 2015 New Music Miami ISCM Festival are:
Alexander Sigman, Future Creatures
Ori Talmon, Learning from the Laughing Man
Marco Longo, Limes
Sam Salem, Too Late, Too Far
Thank you again to everyone who generously shared their work, and we look forward to a dynamic and exciting upcoming series. The first show starts January 16th with the Fonema Consort, so please stay tuned!