Thank you to everyone who submitted pieces as part of the two call for works in 2016! We received an unprecedented number of submissions, and are delighted to announce the results.
The works selected by the Miami ISCM Chapter for possible inclusion in the 2017 World Music Days in Vancouver are:
Huck Hodge, Apophenia
Kala Pierson, Every Time
Federico Bonacossa, Shinkantanza
Matt Sargent, Three Illuminations
Steven Snowden, Appalachian Polaroids
Sky Macklay, Many Many Cadences
Works selected as part of the 2017 ISCM New Music Miami Festival include:
William Dougherty, Aphakia
Paul Koonce, Parallax
Jihyun Kim, From the Bottom of the Sea
Brandon Rolle, für Klarenz
Dorothy Hindman, Monumenti